1. what are we? » introduction, overview

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W H A T A R E W E ?

The HorrendousSQUAD is an account in which the supporters and fans of the holy senpai, @Ms_Horrendous gather together to show our love and appreciation for that fabulous potato.

Everyone in the #horrendoussquad is welcome to join our team. After all, we fans support and care each other!

We are a group of users whom appreciate and love the senpai, Jakayla Toney. The Horrendous Squad has an increasing population with each day, and we welcome anyone into our world of Horror. We a friendly and sociable army, we don't bite! (Unless, of course, you insult our mother...then good luck to you. *cue evil laughter*)



We promote fanfiction books written by our fellow squad. We offer our love and support to @Ms_Horrendous as a team. We organise little activities where our squad can interact to strengthen our bonds with each other. We will occasionally post small activities involving fanfic such as roleplays.

We'll be hosting many interesting and fun games involving each and everyone one of YOU in the future. Do not hesitate to drop us a suggestion for our future activities in the Suggestions Page, also found the the book!

Cover by: -faileas
Managed by: Cady_Cheshire (Founder)

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