↳ graphic designers

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Graphic Designers. We see them everywhere, but the demand for Graphic Designers are still high.

We're looking for those amazing, artistic designers out there who can design just about anything - banners, book covers, stickers, profile pictures.

Why so? We're in need of banners for identifying membership in the @HorrendousSQUAD , book covers for our future books, profile picture...pretty self-explanatory, right?

We want to see you apply and get your talent out there! (Unlike me, who will never be able to draw anything more than a stickman... T.T )

We aren't just looking for ANY graphic designers. We're looking for those who can make about any type of graphic, dedicated and passionate ones.

We don't really need that many graphic designers though. Three is more than enough.

Here is the form:

To those of you using Wattpad on mobile phone, you won't be able to click the link. So please use the link found in my message board.

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