part 7

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sorry, it's been a while. i try to make it longer. read and enjoy..


part 7

Scott pov:

A week later.

I cupped her face with my hand, I bent my head and started kiss her forehead, her eyes, her right cheek, her nose, her left cheek, down to her jaw, her chin then up to the corner of her lips. I kept tease her; I wait until she make her own move. Her hand moved to my nape, then pulled my hair to steady my head. She kissed me hungrily, I kissed her back. She nibbled and softly bit my bottom lip. I open my mouth, but she doesn't make any further move. She pulled her lips and just licked my lips. Everytime I want to catch her tongue, she pulled back. Suddenly she pushed me.

Now she straddled me, her right hand on my shoulder to hold me still on the bed. She lifted her left hand to my face, slowly she lean toward me. I closed my eyes, wait her lips to touch mine, but then I feel her breath on my ear.

"WAKE UP YOU PERVERT" I almost jump from my bed, but a hand holds me still so my head don't bump her head. I blink a few times to clear my vision, then I saw Sisca grinned widely. "Morn, big bro. have a nice dream, huh?" she get up from me. I closed my face with my hands. I still dreaming right? She can't be here. She's in Bali with bunda (mom).

I get up, and I still saw her sitting on my computer seat. She twirled around like she always did. Can't blame her. She's still 15. "Wake up yet, bro?"

"What are you doing here," I look the time on my phone, "at 5.30 in the morning?"

"I still had a jetlag. I can't sleep."

"I mean what are you doing here, in Cali? You supposed to be in Bali with bunda." I walked to bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

"Ask bunda. She's downstairs make breakfast. She asked me to wake you up." She yelled outside the door, "wait you down there, bro." I heard the door shut.

Bunda's here? Why she hadn't told me before that she's coming. There must be something happen. Then it came to my head, SHIT, my fought with Jay at Nancy's wedding. She gonna scream at her lung at me. I grab any clean shirt on the floor and went downstairs. I smelled fried rice, my favorite food. I saw Sam already sit at the dining table, sisca next to him.

"Morn, Scott? How's life?" mom ask over her shoulder.

"It's cool. When you arrived, bun?" I sit on the head of table, my usual seat.

"At 4.30. Thank god I still have the keys, or we'll still sit outside till you two wake up." She snorted. She came with a large bowl of fried rice. I miss her cook. "Let's eat so we can get some sleep. We're famished and exhausted. It's a long flight." She served us like she always did.

"Now, we'll go to sleep, then you start telling me anything when I wake." She standing up and walked with sisca to their room. "Clean up, boys. No more sleep." She yelled from upstairs. Sam groaned, I'm still speechless. I was wondering why she came. If it about my fought with jay, why she doesn't look mad at all. She looked happy.

"Any idea why they came?" I asked Sam. He shrugged and started clean the tables and dishes. I helped him cleaning the others. We finished at 6.15. Sam ran upstairs and prepares to go to college. I back to my room and grab my phone to call kenzie.

"Hallo..." she answered with her husky voice. She just woke up.

"Rise and shine, zie." I cheered.

i met my angel at my worst state..Where stories live. Discover now