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Making my way outside, I see him.

Him as in a blonde, no golden, haired boy with eyes that had an intensity that made up want to stand up straight up. Him as in a nobody to me. Him as in a person I would have sworn on the River of Styx I knew, but I didn’t. I couldn’t.

“Shit,” he mumbled under his breath. “Gods damn this mortal body.” He seemed oblivious to my presence. Hearing swear words made me smile; it’s been a while since I’ve sworn myself (Roxanne and I haven’t talked in a while).

I opened my mouth to say something, but my mouth had other plans. With my feet as its accomplice, they went right to the guy and kissed him. Luckily my brain managed to regain control a millisecond after.

Unconsciously, I liked my lips. It just felt right to kiss him, and familiar. The worst part is I just stood there like an idiot until it all sank in.

Shit. I didn’t even know his name. Man, see what isolation can do to someone?

If he was embarrassed or mad, he didn’t show it. Heck, he looked amused. Argh, wipe that smirk off those sexy lips of yours. Did I just write that down? O…Kay, let’s forget about the ‘sexy’ part.

“What’s so funny?” I asked, secretly swearing at my curiousity.

“Nothing. That was…nice.”

Oh gods, kill me now.

“Having fun moving?”

“Ha. Ha,” he replied sarcastically.

“Why’d you steal my food?”

He gave me a look as it was obvious, “To eat. What’d ya think?”

“I meant why didn’t you get your own food?”

“Laziness and lack of supplies, I guess. Anymore questions, ‘cuz I have a few.”

“You lost my train of thought,” I scowled. “What are your questions?”

“What’s your name? How the hell did you end here? And do you kiss every guy you drug?”

He really wasn’t going to let this go.

“Venessa Praelia, President Lath, and no.”

Every time the kiss was mentioned, I had to blush. Let me ever let my mouth take over.

“My name’s Ari, thanks for asking. Oh, and Venessa, HOW LONG UNTIL THIS FUCKING DRUG WEARS OFF?”

Leave it to strangely familiar strangers to make your day more interesting.

“Baby,” I mumbled.

Hmm, let’s have some fun with Ari. Dusting snow and ice from my knees as I stood up, his mouth twitched.

“Come on, Venessa, old buddy, old pal, old bitch. Don’t leave me here,” he tried giving me the puppy face.

Damn it, I was a sucker for those.

“Fine, but no talking.”


Ari was terrible at following rules. He couldn’t even follow the one rule I gave him. The only time he shut up was when he slept for 15 minutes. Best 15 minutes of my life; Peace & quiet, while looking at a very hot guy in an awkward position where his legs were outrageously separated.

I tried to get my brain to make an identity scan of Ari from my memory—No results. In my defense I haven’t seen anyone in 6 months. However, this guy was unique. God-like even, in looks anyway.

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