Chapter 2: Busted

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My serene slumber was disturbed by the walls screaming that there was someone at the door.“Tell him I’m coming,” I snap. Slowly making my way to the door, I tried to comb my hair with my fingers to try and make it look presentable. 

“Venessa?” a strange guy asked. 

“Who wants to know?” I shot back. 

“Aymen Idiott, European Union officer.” Staring at me chuckling, he asked what was so funny. 

“Nothing. Go on, Mr. Idiott.” 

“Venessa, by the order of President Lath, you are banished to the Western Cold. Thought you could get away with skipping the Frozen parade, aye?” 


“No excuses. You have 5 minutes to gather up your belongings.” 

What belongings? Did he forget how the government works? 

“But,” I sigh. “Whatever. Just let me shut the door. A girl’s got to change you know.” 

“If you try anything, I’ll…” 

“Save your breath. Where exactly is this magical place I can run away to?” 

After I shut the door, I got to work. I took the chips used in my dresser and kitchen, and programmed them into my smartlet. I decided to keep the dress on. It wasn’t too long and I figured I might as well leave in style. Then, I called Rox, who first laughed because of yesterday’s scenario; then started yelling at me for not going (even though I explained to her it wasn’t my fault); then started to pity me (as if). 

“I’m done!” I yelled opening the door. 

“Thought you were going to change your clothes.” 

“I did change”--I held out my wrist--“See my bracelets are rainbow colored. They were silver when you came.” 

He rolled his eyes, “Let’s go.” 

Using his fancy “government issued hovercar to export scumbags” like me (his words, not mine), he drove to Athens’ capitol building. A man met us outside. None other than Mr. My-Great-to-the-17th-Power-Grandma-Gave-You-a-Perfect-Life, President Lath.  

“Well, well. If it isn’t Europe’s greatest girl scout,” he started. 

“Not a girl scout,” I growled almost ripping out the stuffing from the chair teleporter I was tied to. 

“I was being sarcastic.” 

“Really? Didn’t think you knew what it was, much less how to use it.” 

“Watch your mouth, girl.” 

“Or what? Every time I end here, all you do is threaten.  Talk is cheap,” 

“This time is different though. You missed the Frozen parade.” 

“It’s the same every year.” 

“This was the 500th one.” 

“Dear me, wait a second while I go get my time machine to watch a parade and listen to a boring speech that have been repeated 500 times.” 

“Lucky for you, you won’t be here to attend the next one.” 

“I’m endlessly crying.” 

“The European Union couldn’t be happier. No more pranks, snoopy reporting, or your trouble. We’ve finally gotten rid of you…I mean, found an excuse to get rid of you.” 

“What do you know about this? This is your…doing?” By the time I finished my sentence, I was shivering. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ah, having a moment here. Well, I guess where Venessa is now. Anyway...thakss for reading it. Leave feedback. I want to know what I'm doing right/wrong, so the future chapters will be better. Sorry for the moderately short chapters. I'll start writing more after. ~MariahKeepsCool

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