Books Written by Lizziejean

103 4 2

A b o u t. T h e. A u t h o r :

☮Name: Pen-name is Lizziejean

☮Age: Eighteen

☮Gender: Female

☮What got you writing?!(Inspired you?!): Firstly, books by J.K.Rowling and then my uncountable dreams and imaginary events.

☮What genres do you like to write?! : Mainly teen fictions, I try to make romance in them. Working hard for the humor tid-bits. And I absolutely love writing fantasy and paranormal.

☮Do you want to become anything from writing?!(J.K. Rowling?! Someone big like that, or just sell your story on sites?!): May be when I'm experienced enough.

☮Anything coming up?!(New books, Sequel?!) : Well, haven't thought of anything new. I just keep writing random startings of stories then I do get worked up with the plots. :P


★Title: Not Yet Decided

★Subtitle: -

★Summary: Most people believe friendship is the first step towards the beginning of an ever lasting relationship. But Jennifer and Jacob believed the opposite. 'Friendship lasts longer' is what they followed. Dating a newbie every second and then breaking up the very next week had become an addiction for the duo from hell. Never giving any thoughts to what might happen to those poor beings with broken hearts they continue their eccentric behavior until something unexpected happens! The best of friends from childhood never thought of falling for each other because they were really 'good friends'! But what if Fate has decided to prove them wrong? What will they do when the truth comes out? Unknown to the feelings deep inside them... will they refuse the love exploding around them or embrace each other with loving care?

★Genre: Teen Fiction | Romance


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