three and a half

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a/n. this is an unconventional chapter name for this story, I know, but I'm calling it "three and a half" because this is a SHORT chapter. I was honestly going to make it longer but there was just so much that I have to fit into it so I thought it would be best to break it up into little sections and post them as I go so you guys can read them more often.

anyway, I hope you enjoy :)

p.s. I'll probably go back and edit this later since it's currently 12:21 in the morning and I'm extremely tired (just a heads up)


Deep breaths, Senna. Just take deep breaths and you'll be fine.

I tried my best to ignore the tight feeling in my chest, but it only seemed to get worse the further I walked into the building. My fist tightened around the strap of my bag as I walked, no doubt that it had lost all of its color by now. I could tell by the way Elsie would continuously glance in my direction that I looked just about as bad as I felt.

"Hey," Elsie whispered, gently placing a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay? You look like you're going to be sick."

I shrugged, not quite finding the words to give her a solid answer.

Am I okay?

Even though nothing terrible has happened, I can't help but feel like something terrible will happen -- and it all stems from my strange encounter with Vincent.

We walked quietly through the halls, our usual chatter now dull as we both knew what was coming. Our first class of the day is Economics; the class we have with Vincent, himself.

The thought of seeing him after what happened yesterday left my mind in a jumbled mess.

Still, we walked, and the closer we seemed to get to the classroom door, the more I seemed to lose what little sanity I had left. I was so lost in my own mind that I failed to notice that I had stopped walking, let alone that Elsie was gripping my wrist like not only my life depended on it, but hers as well.

"Senna, your hands are shaking," she looked to me, her wide eyes meeting mine.

I looked down towards my hands and sure enough, they were trembling so vigorously I couldn't seem to hold them still.

"I don't think I can go to class today, Elsie," I whispered, shoving my trembling hands into the pockets of my hoodie. I should've known that my fear of Vincent and what he might do would get in the way of class, yet again.

"You can't skip out on class again, your parents will kill you," Elsie reminded me, carefully linking her arm through mine. Deep down I knew she was right, but still, I was hesitant, and she quickly noticed as she let out a quiet sigh.

"Don't worry, he won't do anything to you," she reassured me, smiling softly.

I just hope she's right.


He couldn't keep himself away from her.

They were right when they said the mate bond worked quickly, as his wolf has not stopped pushing to gain control and go searching for their mate.

"You look like you're barely keeping it together," Simon laughed quietly from beside him, clearly unaffected by Vincent's harsh glare and stand-offish nature.

"That's because I am," Vincent spoke through clenched teeth. "And you don't want to know what will happen if you don't shut the fuck up."

Simon simply smiled at his threat, continuing to watch the students as they passed by, seemingly unaffected by their world. Their day started bright and early, considering Vincent hardly got any sleep the night before just thinking about her, and his wolf was more than ready to make the trip to school in the morning just to see her.

That is how they found themselves standing outside of Vincent's Economics classroom, just waiting.

And finally, she showed up.

He smelt her before he saw her -- her fresh scent of roses and sharp pine hitting him hard as his head snapped towards her.

His eyes drank in her small frame greedily, tracing over her body concealed by her massive hoodie just once, simply to assure himself that she was alright after a night of being away from him. However, he couldn't bring himself to look away from the soft planes of her face, watching as she chewed on her bottom lip while talking to her friend. Suddenly, her expression turned to one he could only describe as fear as her head whipped around to face him, her blue eyes wide. Her dark hair stuck to her plump lips at the action as she quickly reached up to swipe it away from her face, but she still continued to stare.

'Why was she looking at him like that?'

He straightened up from his position against the wall, completely forgetting about everything around him as he could only focus on her.

'Why was she looking at him like that?'

As quickly as it appeared, it was gone. She quickly looked away from him as her friend pulled her along past him and into the classroom, but not before he could get at least a taste of what he wanted.

He acted without thinking, the movement being so automatic and coming so naturally to him that he couldn't even stop it if he wanted to. He reached out towards her so that his rough fingers gently brushed against her soft fingertips, and within that small touch he could feel their bond.

The pleasurable sparks were all he could focus on, even as she quickly pulled her hand away from his and walked further into the safety of the classroom.

He heard Simon's whistle from behind him, quickly snapping him out of his trance as he turned to face his beta.

"Well that was --"

"Shut up," Vincent snapped at him, the warm feeling she seemed to bring to him quickly dissipating with the words of Simon. Without so much as a second glance, he walked into the classroom, settling into the uncomfortably small desk as he focused on the one person he couldn't get enough of.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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