-A Look in the Mirror-

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    I hang up the phone from the woman and put it back on the desk. "Why am I being this nice to someone that I just met? -I've never even met her before.", I ask myself, unable to answer my own question. "Well... I guess I didn't have anything else to do today!". I stand up and walk over to my mirror directly across the room beside my bed to check if I look alright.

    My off-the-shoulder shirt is long and white, well, when I bought purchased the shirt ages ago it was white. It's now a slightly more greyish colour. The black skull and roses printed onto it match the four straps, two on each side, to hold up the shirt a little better. Thankfully my shirt isn't long enough to cover my cut-off black shorts which has a gold button to fasten it. I'll only settle for denim shorts or jeans. My black slip on shoes are studded as well as my small, denim bag. Jeez... How long have I had that bag? The blue denim has faded over the years I've had it, but the butterflies that adorn it have stayed. I smile at the bag, I can't ever get rid of this...! I don't know how many times I have fixed the long strap to go with it.

    I sit on my bed and put my hand under my pillow, taking out my necklace beneath it. The necklace hangs around my neck by a silver chain to hold a deep blue stone flecked with pieces of 'fools gold'. I sling my small denim bag over the right side so that it sits on my left hip.

"Now what do I need...?"

Phone... check.

Cloud's phone... check.

Gil... check.

Note book... check.


   Pen? Where did I put that damned pen? I search through some drawers until I find one, careful not to cut myself like last night. "Right, I think that's everything!". I stare at my hoodie, deciding whether or not to bring it. I leave it there and put on some make-up before making some breakfast. I leave shortly after.

    By the time I get to Junon train station, it's about twenty past 11. There's not many people here. I walk up to the booth to get a return ticket to Edge and sit down on a bench to wait for the train to arrive into the station.


Sorry for the short chapter! I seem to be having trouble uploading the picture for this! I'll figure it out at some point, it's just a picture to show what the reader is wearing. ^_^'

Edit: Well... I didn't quite figure it out, but this'll have to do! Please tell me in the comments if you cant actually see the picture.

Eagle's Shadow - Vincent Valentine/Reno x Reader (Final Fantasy VII)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें