The Reckoning: Ch. 20

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The Reckoning: Ch. 20

(Just after Derek changed all the way)

My body ached. My legs didn't want to hold me.

I didn't look at Chloe, terrified that if i did the fear i smelt from her would only escalate.

My knees wobbled, and i couldn't put it off any longer. I swung my head towards her, and her blue eyes widened when they met mine.

At least her eyes were clear though, not clouded by terror.

I tried to take a step forward, to move, but i collapsed instead. I laid there, panting, keeping my eyes closed. I had a feeling my tongue was hanging out of my mouth like a dogs but i was too tired to care.

Chloe scrambled over it me.

"Are you okay?"

If i could have, i would have laughed. Not at the fact that she was asking if i was okay after every bone in my body had just been broken but because she was still here. The change...i know it isn't a pretty thing to see, but Chloe has stayed with me through three of them now.

Everyone else, my family included, would have been horrified. Probably would've puked or ran, but not once had Chloe done any of that. Just for that i would have done anything for her.

I opened an eye at her and nodded. Well, attempted to nod. Doing a human gesture while being a wolf is surprisingly hard.

My ears flickered as i heard Chloe stand up and start walking back to the house. I snorted and she turned around, i awkwardly tried to tell her to come back.

"I thought you'd want to be-"

I snorted and prepared to jump up.

She pulled a switchblade out of her pocket,

"I'll be fine. I'm armed."

I snorted at her again, wishing she would get the point. I beckoned her back again.

She hesitated, and I growled.

"Well, you've got the growling part down already. Must have been all those years of practice."

I ignored that, concentrated instead on rising to my feet. It felt really strange, being on 4 legs instead of 2.

"All right, i'm coming back. I just didn't want to be in your way."

I grunted. She could interpret that as she liked.

"You can understand me, can't you?"

She walked back to the sweatshirt i put on the ground for her earlier. It wasn't much but it was better then sitting on the cold ground.

"You know what i'm saying."

I tried to nod again, jerking my muzzle. I snarled at how awkward it was.

"Not easy when you can't talk, is it?" She grinned, "Well, not easy for you. I could get used to it."

Her smile was worth the teasing. She doesn't smile as much any more, but she really should. She's beautiful anyway, but that smile...damn. I grumbled, playing along.

"So I was right, wasn't i? It's still you, even in wolf form."

I grunted.

"No sudden uncontrollable urges to go kill something?"

I rolled my eyes at her. They didn't feel that different, just a little...bigger?

"Hey, you're the one who was worried." She paused, "And i don't smell like dinner, right?"

Derek's POVWhere stories live. Discover now