Chapter Ten

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I nervously tap my fingers on the table. Marilyn just told me that Bruno and some other Twi-Hards from their Council are on their way to the common room. I have Katrina and Chelsea sitting on either side of me. Kat chews her lip nervously. "I'm not sure about this, Diana." She tells me. I assure her that everything is going to be fine, but we all know that's a lie. Bruno is supposed to be extremely hot-headed. Apparently, I have a way of making people angry without them being hot-headed...this meeting should be interesting. 

Chelsea kicks my leg under the table. "I think that's them!" She whispers. She's referring to the group of three people approaching us menacingly. The one in the middle, who I'm assuming is Bruno, is probably the biggest guy I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure that he's 50% muscle, 50% pure anger. Bruno's face is permanently curved downward into a scowl. I can see the resemblance to Stephanie, though. They both have the same red hair, though Bruno's is darker. As he approaches, I see his eyes are dark blue. Bruno and his cronies regard me coldly. "'re the reps from Divergent." The guy on the left states, obviously unimpressed. Rage boils up inside me at his arrogance. Kat sense it, though, and lays a hand on my arm. "Um...yes. We are. Please, have a seat." The two men look at Bruno for permission. Once he nods, they sit and crack their knuckles. "I'm Eddie, this is my partner Jake." I brush them aside. I know for a fact that the only one who can end this feud is Bruno, not these boneheads. I nod towards him. "You must be Bruno, than." He makes a grunting noise, which I don't know how to interpret. Chelsea clears her throat after of minute of sizing each other up. "Okay, well now that we're all here, we can get down to business. The Divergent would like to extend and offer of peace to the Twi-Hards." Eddie, the bald guy, glances at Jake, the mustache guy. My stomach churns: they look doubtful. Not to mention untrustworthy and shady. But these are the people I have to work with. 

"What is it you have against Divergent's exactly?" Kat questions. Bruno grunts. Oh great: he's that kind of person. "We've been mistaken for Dauntless too many times." My mind flashes back to my first day, when I made that exact mistake when I met David. I assume that the all black and tough demeanor is why the mix up is so common. A part of me is livid that they would start a war over something so idiotic and stupid. I fold my hands on the table to keep them from bouncing on my thigh. "Well uh...I'm sure no one's going to make that mistake again." I say. This is because ever since the "war" started, people have HAD to know which fanperson was which: otherwise, they might say/do the wrong thing. Bruno, to my relief, nods in agreement. "Yeah, I guess you gotta point. But listen here, I don't want no more issues on Twitter. That 'disregard Twi-Hards' hashtag has got to go. Kapeesh?" Oh yes, Bruno is definitely one of "those" arrogant, annoyning people. I glance at Chelsea. She whips out her phone and starts typing furiously. "Consider it done." I reassure the Twi-Hards. "Anything else?" Jake whispers something in Bruno's ear. They both nod. "Yeah. The last hallway, farthest from the stairwell in every room: it's out territory." Chelsea chokes on nothing. "Excuse me?" She almost shouts. Eddie cracks his knuckles, apparently trying to look tough. It's working quite well. "What she means to say is!" I rush to fix Chelsea's blunder. She shrinks back into her chair. "You can't have a hallway all to yourselves. They're for everyone." Bruno grinds his teeth angrily. I can tell he's on the brink of explosion unless I come up with a solution. I rack my brain for an agreement that can satisfy everyone. Suddenly, a light bulb goes off in my head. "What if we let you share the Divergent meeting room with us?" Katrina jumps so hard that Eddie'es glass of water spills. I glare are her, and send a mental message that says "I know what I'm doing!" She send's one right back saying, "No you don't, your completely insane!" Bruno leans forward, as if finally getting interested in this meeting. "Elaborate." He grunts. I take a deep breath. "Well, we have a lot of extra rooms in there that you could use! return you tellyourfanpeopletostopsneakingaroundatnight!" I say in one breath. Eddie and Jake look at their boss questioningly. Finally, Bruno responds. "Fine. It's a deal." I let out a sigh. "Great!" The Twi-Hards nod and huddle up. Could these people get any more ridiculous? I resist the urge to roll my eyes. 

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