That Day...

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(Quick author's note: This is my first time writing a story so sorry if it's terrible, if i could get feedback on how to make my writing any better it would be very appreciated. Now onto your story)

It was another day inside the walls, the streets were full of conversations and children running around playing. You lived inside Wall Maria with your mom, dad, and older sister. Your dad and sister were out on an expedition while you and your mother were home. Your mom had a food shop and it was decently known, you worked with you mom from time to time just so you don't sit around and do nothing. You didn't really have any friends, well you didn't try to make any either. One day your mom got really sick and couldn't work for a few days.


It was now turning dawn and as the sun light beamed through your window, you groaned in frustration and woke up to start your day.

Y/N: Ughhh can't the sun stay down for another half hour?

You slowly get up and rub your eyes to adjust your sights, after yawning you decide to get up and get changed. You head out your room and went to check on your mom. you saw she had just woken up as well. You sit on her bed and hug her, she smiles and hugs back.

Mom: Goodmorning sweetheart.

Y/N: Morning mom, did you sleep okay?

Mom: Yes sweetie I did, better than the nights before, but I still feel a little too weak to be heading out again and jumping back into work.

Y/N: It's okay mom, we can just take another day to relax, I don't want you to get any worse.

Mom: Thank you Y/N.

Y/N: What do you want for breakfast? I can make it and bring it to you.

Mom: Thank you sweetheart but I think I have enough strength to get up and downstairs on my own, and you can make whatever you want, your cooking is almost as good as mine..almost.

You can't help but laugh as your mom teases you and ruffles your hair. You give her a quick hug and tell her to come down when she's ready and head downstairs. You start the fire and start making (favorite breakfast). As your setting down the plates you notice your mom at the walking towards the table. She tries and smells the air, smelling the aroma coming from the food and smiles.

Mom: Smells fantastic Y/N.

Y/N: Well I learned from the best haha.

Mom: You certainly did.

She giggles as you two sit across from each other eating your food and talking with your mom. You two talk, laugh and smile. Then she remembers something that you've been waiting on for a while.

Mom: Honey do you know what day it is today?

Y/N: No, what's today?

Your mom giggles and smiles at you.

Mom: Sweetheart, your dad and sister are coming home.

You drop your spoon and stand up eagerly.

Y/N: THEY ARE?! Why didn't I remember?! Ugghh I can be so stupid sometimes!!

Your mom pinches your cheek

Mom: What did I say about using those types of words?

Y/N: OW! Im sorry Mom owww!

She lets go and you start rubbing your now red cheek.

Mom: Mhmm,you best be.

She leans towards you and kisses your cheek, you smile and hug her tightly but not too tight.

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