Starting Today, You are a Chef!

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You awoke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Shedding yourself of the remaining glimpses of a dream, your eyes were still shut as you soaked in the warmth of your covers before letting your purple eyes see the sun's rays.

Hesitantly, you managed to sit your body upright.

A yawn escaped you as you slowly began to fall back on the bed.


You snorted as you sat back up.

"Huh? Y-yeah?"

"You better be awake, we got several orders to deliver this morning!"

You waved a hand at the voice as you lay back down on the mattress.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm awake! I've been up for...hours..."



"Mei! I'm not gonna tell you again! Get in here now!"

"Pouah!" You scoffed, rolling over in your slovenly sheets as the sunlight hissed at your face. Your disheveled, dark purple strands were scattered across your pillow, and every breath you exhaled smelled faintly of ammonia and eviscerated, decomposing corpses.

"And brush your teeth! I don't want to biohazard the kitchen every time you open your mouth in the morning."

"Hey, it's not that bad!"

"Mm-hmm. Hurry up!"

You were muttering under your breath as you sat up. Glancing around your room, you noticed a messy assortment of notebooks filled with cooking recipes, freshly-sharpened pencils, a pint of ice cream hidden under your bed that was half gone, and other stationery items that gave you great aesthetic pleasure. Slowly but surely, you pushed yourself out of bed, letting your feet hit the cool, linoleum floor.


Her nails impatiently tapped on the kitchen counter as she stared at her watch. After a few seconds, she sighed.

"All right. That's it."

She reached over and picked up the remote beside her. She waited a few seconds more, then pressed the middle button.


Your head lifted up when you heard a beep come from your boombox, along with a green light that began flashing.

"What the...?"


Muffled sounds of music bursting came from upstairs, followed by a yell and a thud.

"Okay, Okay! I'm up!"

She smiled in satisfaction and pressed the top button. The muffled music ceased and she resumed her work of mixing the flour continuously.

Heavy stomping sounded and when they stopped in the same room, she looked up, smiling.

"Good morning, sweet pea. Sleep well?"

You were frowning, hair sticking up in all directions and tired bags beneath your eyes.

"That was not cool."

She shook her head. "You know how early we get up, so don't even think about fighting me. You have a lot of orders to deliver."

You groaned as you rested your chin on the kitchen counter. "Can I have breakfast first? And coffee? At least give me a coffee!"

You flinched when she slammed a box in front of you. You looked up and turned it around. And you whined by seeing 'instant coffee' on the label.

"I have to make it? That's not fair!"

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