Journey to Ouran Academy!

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You stood, frowning as you gazed up at the large building.

Oh, God. Why am I here?

Ouran High School. A place for young billionaires from filthy rich families to spend their free time. Anyone else is simply lucky enough to attend.

I don't want to be near any of these people. This is the last place I want to be right now.

Your nose twitched from annoyance.

And yet, here I am.

With a heavy sigh, you began climbing the staircase that led to the main entering doors of the school. The door creaked open as you peered inside.

Huh...the halls are empty.

You stepped inside and the door shut behind you. You hummed in thought as you walked towards one end of the hall.

Where is everybody? It's so quiet in here.

You peered through the Windows as you walked. Classes aren't in where can they be?

Ugh, come on, it's gotta be around here somewhere!

You soon reached the end of the hall and came faced with a winding staircase leading up to the next floor. You stared up at it and shrugged, before starting upwards.

As you walked up the steps, you adjusted the strap on your shoulder for what felt like the 100th time.

This is starting to hurt. Who orders this much food anyways?

You turned the corner and stopped when you saw a large door with a sign above it marked 'Music Room #3'.

You watched in curiosity as a girl who bared a strange resemblance to a boy was about to open the door to the room. You silently walked up behind her.

"Excuse me...!"

She jumped and swung around. Your eyes widened as the last thing you saw was the cover of 'The Ugly Duckling' closing in on your face, before there was only black.

As you fell to the floor, the girl stepped forward. "Oh! Sorry, are you okay?" She looked down at your unconscious body. "Hello? Hey- ah!"

She wasn't looking where she stepped and her foot tripped over the spilled contents of the bag. She shrieked as she fell backward and her weight had pushed the door that was behind her open. She groaned and looked up. What she saw made her eyes widen behind her glasses as the doors slammed behind her.


"Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow! My head!"

You awoke to a searing pain in your head. You slowly sat up as you rubbed your forehead and realized you were on the floor. You sighed as you crawled over to your bag and scooped all the items into the bag.

"No, man, she's gonna kill me!" You stood up and looked inside the bag. "All right, calm down, none of the food spilled, it should be fine."

"Well...hopefully..." You slid the strap over your shoulder and something came to mind. "Great, I still don't even know where it is." You groaned and turned around, then stopped your movements.

For a good minute, you just stared at the door across from you that said 'Headmaster's office', and then, you slapped your forehead.

"Are you serious? It was here the entire time?! Ugh!"

You had to deeply sigh before you adjusted your cap and walked over to the door. Not wasting another minute, you knocked on it and it was a little harder than you meant for it to be.

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