Chapter 15

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            I woke up the next morning just as the sun was starting to rise. Noah was still sleeping in my arms so instead of moving, I just looked at him. I swear this boy was after my heart. He even looked beautiful while he slept. I wanted to kiss him so bad but didn't want to wake him from his peaceful sleep. So, I went without kissing those lips until the sun had risen and he opened those pretty hazel eyes of his. I kissed him the moment he woke up, morning breath and all.

            "Good morning to you, too," he said with a smile after the kiss.

            "I had to kiss you after last night," I told him. "Last night was so amazing, baby."

            "Probably not the best sex you've had."

            "Are you kidding? Had my first time been with you when I was fifteen, I would've proposed to you."

            He laughed and then just stared into my eyes for the longest before telling me, "I'm falling for you, Dorian. I know you probably don't feel the same way and maybe I'm just feeling this way because I gave you my virginity last night, but I am falling in love with you."

            "Would you believe me if I told you I do feel the same?" I sat up with him and told him, "Noah, I do feel the same. Other than my stepmom and my baby sister, you're like the only non-problematic person I've spent time with since I got here."

            "If it weren't for your problematic brother, we wouldn't have met."

            "What are you trying to say?"

            "That as angry as you are with your dad and your brother, they're still your dad and your brother. I think you need to sit down and talk with them."

            "After what went down between me and my dad last night, I know I'm gonna have to talk to him. I just got so mad because of what I saw him doing. He doesn't know how to keep his damn dick in his pants. He even had an affair with your mama."

            "I asked my mama about that and she said it was a long, long time ago. I was like four or five. And unlike your mama, my mama knew he was married and still slept with him."

            "Are you upset with her because of it?"

            "I'm disappointed but I don't place all of the blame on her. It takes two to tango, right?" He rested his head on my chest again and told me, "Parents aren't perfect, Dorian. Sometimes they're far from perfect."

            "I don't want them to be perfect. I want them to be responsible. Our parents tell us all the time that we should be responsible for our actions. Well, they need to start leading by example. It's a miracle that I didn't turn out as bad as some of these dudes out here."

            "Like my brother?"

            "Your brother is actually an alright guy."

            "He's overprotective."

            "Yeah, because he knows your worth. You're worth protecting." I kissed the top of his head and asked, "The question is do you need protecting? Femininity doesn't equal weakness."

            "That's right. Preach, baby."

            We sat out there talking for a little while and then we got dressed and left. I dropped him off at his house and after making plans to go see another drive-in movie with him, I headed back to Bridgewood. When I got home, I headed directly to my room. I thought I'd avoided having to talk to anybody, but the moment I sat down on my bed, the callbox on my wall buzzed. I stepped over to it, pressed the talk button and asked, "Yeah?"

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