Chapter 5

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            My first couple of days working at the Pennbrook country club were decent. It was a really big place with multiple pools, tennis courts and a huge golf course. The work wasn't hard at all but I did get fed up with all the white girls hitting on me. Tavian loved that mess but I couldn't stand it. Some of them were annoying as fuck because they'd say some ignorant shit like they only mess with black dudes because we have big dicks. They could flirt with me all they wanted but they weren't even gonna get to see my dick. Hell if I played my cards right, no girl in Morrison Heights would get the chance to see it.

            "Thanks cutie," Tavian said as he stepped out of a dressing room fastening his belt along with a short redheaded white chick. "I'ma call you." He waited until she walked away before saying, "Snowflake ain't know what the fuck she was doing. I thought all white bitches knew how to give head. I got my nut though."

            "Bruh, TMI," I told him. "I can't believe I let you talk me into standing here as a lookout."

            "I can't get caught with the mayor's daughter, man. They'd probably kick dad out of the courthouse or some shit."

            "The mayor's daughter? Are you serious?" I shook my head and told him, "I swear you are too wild, bro. Like how can you keep doing Mya like this?"

            "Mya is wifey, nigga. What I do on the side ain't got shit to do with wifey. Besides, she can't do better than me."

            I laughed and told him, "That's what you think."

            I didn't know how to feel about my brother's lack of commitment to Mya. On one hand I understood how hard it is to be faithful to someone, but on the other hand what he was doing to his girlfriend and so-called wifey was fucked up. From what I could tell, Mya was a good girl. She didn't deserve that kind of treatment. However, Tay was my brother and my loyalty was with him for better or worse.

            So after work that day, we headed down to the Morrison Heights rec center. He'd told me to bring some basketball shorts, a shirt and some sneakers with me to work that day because we were gonna shoot some hoops on the indoor court with his friend Malcolm and three other dudes. I thought I'd packed a shirt but I didn't so I had to play shirtless. Everything was cool until Mya, Londyn and Noah showed up. The last thing I wanted to be around Londyn was shirtless. I could feel her eyes watching me as I ran up and down the court.

            "Yeah, go Dorian!" she shouted when I made a successful three-point shot.

            Even though I'd made up my mind not to pursue Noah, I felt somewhat disappointed that he wasn't cheering me on. In fact, him and Mya were barely paying attention to the three-on-three game. Me, Tavian and Malcolm ended up winning because of my three-pointers, but I was too focused on Noah to be excited about it. He was looking quite sexy in some skinny black jeans and a black and white crop top. After the game was over, the other dudes left so me, Tavian and Malcolm went over to the bleachers where Mya, Noah and Londyn were.

            "You looked good out there," Londyn said to me as I sat down beside her. "And damn, you look good now. I like your tattoos."

            "Thank you," I said back. "Hey, I heard you like to eat at Giorgio's Pizzeria."

            "Who told you that?"

            "A new friend." I glanced over at Noah and winked, and he smiled. "How about we go there to eat after the movie tomorrow?"

            "I'd like that."

            "Ooh, sounds like a love connection," Mya teased, causing Noah to giggle.

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