Chapter 2 - Sunday, I decided to Love This Day Even More

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I finally moved out from home. It's a bitter sweet feeling. Though my hometown is in Seoul, but it's still hard for me to live separately from my parents. Ever since I live near the building, I also wanted to go to the church nearby. Sunday is my favorite day. Aside from the fact that I am free from practices and school things, I could go the church. My favorite place, my zen, my sanctuary.

Like any other Sunday, I go to the church alone. I tried to wake Dahyun up, but she said she wanted to go at 9 am service. Well, I prefer the early morning service. It's the first time I go to church alone, and in other church, not the only I used to go. It's near our dorm, 15 minutes walking distance. I love walking, especially in the spring weather like this. I enter the church and sit in the middle. I smile, I always love when I try new things. Then it begins. I took a songbook from my chair and begin to open and sing it. I take my time to hear a beautiful sermon from my pastor, it's always beautiful for me to hear good news in the morning. I then take the communion. My first holy communion in this church. I go back to my place and pray. I sincerely pray to God so that he could give me strength and power towards anything that I want to do in the future. As I said amen and back to sit in my seat, I peek at someone across oblique my seat. Someone's kneeling and pray sincerely, her hands are folded and she places it touching her head. I know that figure, I feel that I know. I look at her. When she say amen and create a cross sign using her hand while looking to the altar, she goes back to sitting position. I gasp a bit.

It's Mina Unnie.

The next 15 minute when the pastor closing the morning service, my mind become deteriorate. I can't concentrate. I keep looking at her. I can't take my eyes off her. As the service ended, she then goes to the Virgin Mary statue and prays. All this time, I never know that Mina Unnie is a Catholic. Perhaps, a devoted one. Seeing her pray, I couldn't hide my smile. I decide to wait outside.

I surprise her outside. I hide behind the door.


"Oh my God, Chaeng!" She surprised and her expression is too precious for me, she's confused.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I go to church, that's obvious"

"Of course, why am I even asking" She then feel stupid about this question.

I then walk with her through the stairs.

"You know we just move out this week right? I then found out about this church, it's a walking distance from our dorm, Thank God" I pause for while we walk "I didn't know you are a Catholic"

"Well I am, when my father did his residency in the U.S before I was born, my parents felt fond at one Catholic church in Texas. It's in the hospital my father worked too. It's a Catholic university hospital by the way. My parents then decided to pursue it. When we back to Japan, my father also work for the Catholic university, I even went to Catholic school"

Mina Unnie finishes her story while signaling me without asking.

"Me? I was born Catholic, from my grand parents, then my parents. As I grew up, I realize that I want to stay believe to what I believe, it's not because of my parents anymore, It's kind of my choice"

"Yah, Chaeyoungie! You seem like a baby, but your mind is so mature"

I just laugh at her statement. I mean every words tho.

"I always feel thankful to the fact that there are so many Catholic churches here in Seoul. As I apart from my family I can only pray to Him. For my parent's health, for my brother as well"

"I think this is the longest conversation that I had with you for the past 2 months, Unnie"

Oh damn, I speak my mind too loud.

"Aren't we?" She laughs. I look at her, I love to see her laugh.

"Are you always go for the morning service?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I love going at the dawn"

"Why don't you go with Dahyun then? I believe she's also Catholic, I watched her viral video at the church"

"Hahaha, I tried to wake her up this morning, she loves to sleep. She wanted to go at 9 am service.

"I see"

"How about you Unnie?"

"I always take the early morning service, the fewer people the better for me. Not that I don't want the church to be full, no. But I just found it peaceful"

I smile from ear to ear at her statement. That's also the reason I always went to church early in the morning.

"Just call me whenever you want to go to church, Unnie. Our dorm is just a few meters away" It's kind of weird coming from me I don't know why.

"I mean, if you want to go alone, that's also fine too"

"I'll call you, It's good to have companion"


That's enough for me. I can's believe that I can act so calm while my heart thumping like crazy when we walk side by side. I can never explain this feeling, never. Been 2 months at every time I look at her. Today, the fact that I could see her, and talk to her, and be with her is the joyest feeling ever. 

Loving You Painfully - Michaeng (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now