September 8, 2017

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Dear Belinda,

Over the years, I've learned that the first day happens to be my worst day.

I always ended up lost or stopping in the middle of the hall to look at my schedule, the sea of students pushing me in their current. I'd hit the ground and no one would pay me any mind as I fumbled to get my schedule and get up off the ground. I would always end up getting trampled.

This year was different.

You were there.

When you offered me a hand, it felt like I had died and you were the angel reaching down to take me to heaven. Seeing as I was basically laying in the middle of hell, I took your hand. After I stood, dusted myself off and looked up at you, I was taken aback.

Your striking beauty nearly knocked me off my feet for the second time that day. I somehow managed to center myself as you asked me if I was alright. I was glad I could manage a nod because I was afraid I would say or do something stupid in front of the only person that managed to treat me kind so far.

When your kind smile spread across your pink lips at my non-verbal response, I could feel my cheeks heat up. Thank goodness you didn't notice how scarlet my face had gotten.

You told me it was a good idea to never stop while in the halls, so I quickly picked up my schedule and made my way down the hall. You walked beside me, claiming you would be there as my cushion if I fell again.

I blushed once again and smiled, telling you, "I expect you to be there."

You then proceeded to tell me your name was Belinda. I thought your name was a perfect fit for you, seeing as it literally meant "beautiful".

When I told you that, you laughed it off. The bell rang and you said you would see me in the lunchroom later in the day.

I only smiled this time, knowing that I wouldn't be seeing you in there. You waved to me and reported to your first class of the day and I felt like you had left with the light you gave me.

I was in the dark without my light.




Thoughts and comments are always accepted and make sure to vote if you liked this first letter.

-- TG123

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