Paint Me a Heart (Part 3/3)

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From that day on, you met with Michael once a week.  This routine lasted for a month.  Then you saw him two times a week . . . then three. It had been four months since you agreed to teach him, and they had been the happiest you had spent in years.

You couldn't get enough of teaching art again, but more importantly, you couldn't get enough of Neverland and its owner, which was why you were preparing to leave your studio to spend the day with Michael.

You checked yourself in the mirror one last time, grabbed your bag, and headed for the door.

Richard called after you.  "Where are you off to? I thought you had a job to work on."  You turned to him.  He was standing in the middle of the room with a puzzled look on his face.

You kept walking and searched the floor for your sneakers.  "I have an appointment with Michael today," you muttered, wanting nothing more than to avoid this conversation.

"But what about the commission for that actress?"

You pulled your sneakers on, taking the time to double-knot them so you could avoid meeting Richard's gaze for a few more seconds.  "Don't worry about it."

"Why not?"

"I . . . canceled it."

Richard slapped his hands on his face and shook his head.  "Are you crazy?  You're canceling all your jobs! There's not enough money coming in.  I know Michael's amazing – trust me, I know – but you have to tell him you can't do this anymore.  He's not paying you enough to cover the rent.  (Y/n), you could lose the studio if you don't -"

"I don't care about the money anymore!" you shouted. "I want to be happy for once! And I'm happier now than I've been in so long. I love these lessons, and I won't give them up."

Richard paused for a moment. The anger faded from his face. "Do you love the lessons . . . or do you love Michael?" He wasn't teasing this time. He was serious.

Heat rushed to your face as you stood in the doorway. "Our relationship is strictly professional," you said. You left the studio, shutting the door gently behind you.

Strictly professional. The words echoed in your head as you got in your car and started the engine. You squeezed the steering wheel in your fists.

Strictly professional.

It was the lie you told yourself every day, but you never believed it. Richard was right, and you knew it. You were in love with Michael.

And if it meant being happy with him, you were willing to risk it all.


Despite your argument with Richard, you managed to arrive at the ranch on time and without a speeding ticket. Michael greeted you in front of the main house with a hug instead of a handshake.

"Hi! How are you?" he asked, hugging you tight.

You tried your best to smile. "I'm alright. How are you?"

"Excellent now that you're here. Let's go up to the mountain later today! We can paint the sunset. Do you want to?"

It was one of Michael's favorite places on the property, a high mountain that loomed over a lush, grassy valley. The view was spectacular, especially at dawn and dusk, Michael's favorite times of the day. The first time he had brought you there, he told you he only brought his closest friends to the mountain. You had felt like you could fly when he said he considered you one of those special people.

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