Thriller Night (Part 1/2)

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"Y/n? Y/n, wake up."

A familiar voice and the feeling of someone nudging your shoulder woke you from sleep. You groggily opened your eyes, squinting against the sudden brightness of the room. After a few seconds of confusion, the horrifying realization hit you: you had fallen asleep during class. You frantically looked around the room. Your classmates were all staring at you. Even worse, Michael Jackson, the cutest guy in your entire high school and your crush since freshman year, was staring at you too.

Your chemistry teacher, Mr. Martin, was looking down at you with an annoyed expression. "Y/n, I would appreciate it if you didn't fall asleep in my class."

You blushed furiously and shifted your eyes away from his glare. "S-sorry," you stuttered. You started sweating with embarrassment, and no matter how hard you tried to play it off cool, you couldn't stop shaking. God, you were so humiliated. Everyone's eyes were still on you, or at least it felt like they were. Some kids were snickering and whispering. You dared to steal a glance at Michael. Your heart stopped beating for a moment when your (e/c) eyes met his. He was still looking at you, but he wasn't laughing. To your surprise, he actually looked concerned for you. Quickly, you looked away, your face turning even redder. You fought the overwhelming urge to run out of the room. At the same time, you kicked yourself for staying up so late the night before, but you had homework to finish, and it wasn't going to finish itself. High school was rough, to say the least.

It was such a relief when the dismissal bell rang. You gathered your things, picked up your backpack, and walked hastily out the door and into the busy hallway. I can't wait to go home.

You opened your locker, and as you packed your to go home, your mind drifted off. When I get home, I'm going to put on my pajamas and take a nap. Actually, I'm feeling a little hungry, so first I'll eat (your favorite snack food) and then I'll take a nap. Ugh! I can't wait to get out of here!


You gasped and jumped a little, scared half to death. The textbook in your hand dropped onto the floor with a loud bang!

You looked over your shoulder in the direction of the voice. Your heart stopped again. It was Michael. He was wearing his red and yellow varsity jacket, the one with the M on it that you absolutely loved. His hair was perfectly long and curled, and his gorgeous eyes were wide with surprise. He looked almost as embarrassed as you felt. Seriously could you be any more awkward? You hurriedly bent over to pick up your book, but Michael beat you to it.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you," Michael apologized. He handed you the book.

Grinning, you took it and said, "Don't worry about it. And thank you."

He got that concerned look again. "Are you okay? You never fall asleep in class like that." Heat rose into your face again, but you forced a lighthearted chuckle to hide your embarrassment.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just stayed up way too late last night. I had a lot of homework."

"Oh," he said, sort of looking down at his feet now. "Then you're probably exhausted."

Your brow furrowed in confusion a bit. "I guess I am. Why? What's wrong?" Your heart was pounding. A crazy thought popped into your head, but you tried to ignore it. He would never ask me out . . .

Michael put his hands in his pockets and shuffled nervously, still avoiding your eyes. "I was going to ask if you wanted to come see a movie with me tonight, but if you're tired . . ."

Holy hell, it was really happening. "Yes!" you blurted maybe a bit too loudly, smiling ear to ear. "I'd love to!"

Michael was mystified and obviously a little caught off guard by your enthusiasm. "You would?"

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