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"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, but Love leaves a memory no one can steal."

- from an Irish Headstone

"YABOKU!" A [h/c]-haired girl happily skipped towards the male who is smiling at her childish nature. [N/N] glomped him into a hug the time he is already at reach. Yato encircled his arms back at his best friend's petite nature, "You seem happy today, [N/N]" He commented. [N/N] hummed then pulled away from him, a frown pulled on her lips which was immediately noticed by the male. They just stared at each other for a while before [N/N] spoke, "You shouldn't be spending more time with Rabo. I know it's work but you guys are going so far now. You can't just go killing people. He's a bad influence Yaboku..." [N/N] trailed off.

Yato gave her a sad smile, "I know. Just like you said, it's work. If people wished me to do it, I shall do it. That's how minor gods work, [N/N]. As much as I don't want to do this, I can't stop."

[N/N] kept her frown, knowing she can't convince him to stop those things. He wants fame, followers, be remembered. She can't do anything about it. Yato let out a small chuckle then ruffled his friend's hair who only looked at him. "Don't make that face. Smile." He pulled the sides of her lips to force her to smile.

Everyday, [N/N] tried to convince him but failed. She even talked with Rabo but ignored her. She can't handle this anymore. Everyday, every time. Kill here kill there, even innocent people gets involved. What hurts most is that her best friend's one of those people who murders.

Finally deciding she'll be heading to the war zone to somehow cease the war, she went along with Ellie and Tenjin who is walking side by side with her.

"YABOKU!" [N/N] called the god who finished killing the samurais he is tasked to defeat with Rabo---who had a dangerous glint on his eyes, and his gaze seems to be pointed to [N/N]. Rabo glanced at Yato who is now looking at [N/N] with disbelief. "Yato." He called. Yato flickered his ocean-blue eyes at his partner, who had a controlling aura around him. "Don't you think [N/N]'s the one who hinders you to achieve your goal?" Rabo said in his most intimidating voice. Yato narrowed his eyes at him, not knowing where he was heading with this. "What are you trying to say, Rabo?" He asked sternly. Rabo let out an amused laugh, "Are you that blind?! You sure is. Can't you see how desperate she is to stop you from doing this with me.... Remember?"

As if in trance, Yato frowned. His eyes now empty as his mind is now hypnotized by the amused Rabo. Hiiro, Yato's current regalia, tried to call his attention but failed seeing Rabo's grip on Yato's mind is strong.

Yato faced the three gods who are about to approach them. [N/N] stopped, making her two companions stop as well. Ellie glanced at her cousin in confusion, "What's wrong?" She asked. [N/N] pushed Tenjin and Ellie to the side then called for her regalia. "Come, SAKI!" She yelled then a beam of light went to the palm of her hands then transformed into a katana with pink aura surrounding it. As if on cue, Yato dashed towards her in attempt to kill her in just one slash. [N/N] had seen his move so he used her weapon to block his attack. Their swords went against each other for a while, as they stared at each others eyes. One with anger; the other, with confusion. The two gods who are into battle jumped back to have some space, their weapon still at hand.

Confused, Ellie and Tenjin is about to help but was stopped by Rabo, along with his legion of phantoms he summoned keeping them at bay.

Ellie quickly moved around to dodge Rabo's attacks on her. Their weapons clashing, echoes of angered sound filled the field. The god of tranquility swung her other dagger on Rabo but he quickly dodged it as well. They had fought for minutes but no one is getting hit at all, fortunately. "You are not made for this war, god of tranquility." Rabo mocked, provoking Ellie. Ellie gritted her teeth in anger as her agility enhanced, teleporting behind him quicker than Rabo had imagined catching him off guard, resulting for him getting cut at the back. "Let's see about that, Imbecile."

"Yaboku! Snap out of it!" [N/N] called at the god of calamity who continued to take a hit on her. Stepping on her wrong foot, Yato took this chance to swing his sword on her. [N/N] had seen this and tried to dodged which she successfully did but she got cut on her right arm. She bit her lip to prevent herself from screaming in pain, Hanamaru yelling her name in worry. She cursed under her breath, knowing she needs to fight back. Yato's in Rabo's control, there's no other choice. She dashed towards him and somehow find some weakness to knock him down, not kill him. She tried to hit him on the nape but Yato quickly dodged her attack. He jumped away from her and this time its his turn to attack. Yato quickly dashed towards her much in her surprise. He used his legs to sweep her out of her feet, making her fall on the ground rather harshly.

Without having any second thought, Yato plunged his sword on her stomach. Blood spilled on her quivering form, as her eyes stared at his blue ones with sadness. Even though Yato became the reason why she is probably going to fade away now, she still treats him as an important person on her life. He is her best friend. It's not his fault after all, it's Rabo's. Yato's empty eyes stared at her now almost lifeless form.

"ANEKI!" Ellie screamed and was about to rush on her cousin's side but was held back by a laughing Rabo who still attack her, as well Tenjin who had a grim expression on his features.

[N/N] let out a weak chuckle, her right hand cupping his cheek lovingly in Yato's surprise. "O-oi, Yaboku?" She smiled, coughing more blood as seconds pass. "Are you t-there?" She tried to speak even though it is now hard enough for her but it's now or never, this will probably be the last time she'll ever see him. "Y-Yaboku, before I e-even fade away... I-I want to talk to y-you..." She pleaded, tears falling down from her eyes.

Snapping back to his senses, he quickly pulled out the sword that is struck on her stomach. He let out a quiet whimper, trying to cover the wound he caused. "H-hey.. Hey! D-don't.. don't.. [N/N]..." He cried, tears falling down from his mesmerizing eyes but was now filled with regret. "I-I'm s-sorry! I-I I don't know w-what I----" [N/N] chuckled at this, shocking the bewildered god in front of her. Yato shakily held her hand that was on his cheek as he cried. "It's okay... B-being able to t-talk to you f-for the last t-time is enough for me..." Yato held her hand tighter as he hugged her weak form with his other arm, his face buried on her neck as he cried. Her golden eyes stared at the sky in admiration, this will be the last time she'll be able to see the fascinating world it seems.

"H-hey, I'll t-tell you something... remember that time I tried to c-cut ties w-with you the f-first few days w-we met?" [N/N] asked, Yato humming in response as tears continuously flow from his eyes. "I actually can't cut it... Y-You know w-why?" She asked once again, catching the attention of her best friend. "Why?" He asked, pulling away from the female to look at her smiling face. Seeing her like this made his heart clench more in guilt, pain and regret. It's his fault. ALL HIS FAULT. "It's because the string t-that connects b-both of us is different..." She trailed off, her thumb wiping of the tears that fell from his eyes.

"It's a r-red string of fate. It s-seems like m-meeting you is n-not a coincidence at a-all huh?" She chuckled weakly, more blood dripping from her lips.

Yato's eyes widened, his heart almost stopped from beating. Sounds cliche, but it's true. Who wouldn't feel like that if you figured out you just killed the person you are meant to be with? His cries went louder as his hand cupped her cheek, memorizing every detail of her features. "I-I'm glad. A-atleast I know... what I a-am feeling f-for you is n-normal after all." She said in final, before falling limp on his arms.

Yato's throat hitched, shaking her body hoping she would wake up. He hugged her body, his heart hurting like hell knowing there would be no childish female going to lighten up his day, going to bother him every time, stick by his side no matter what he do. It's now all gone. He flickered his gaze at Rabo who sent a smirk at him then vanished.

"RABO... I promise, I swear... I'm going to kill you."



NORAGAMI: Fates Intertwined [Yato x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now