The Mission | 2

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It was around one in the morning- four hours into the plane trip- and he couldn't sleep. Lights were low and everyone was snoozing away, apart from those kids who were binge watching cartoons now that their parents weren't awake to stop them.

Dinner hadn't been such a great experience. Austin hugged the blanket to his stomach. He wasn't airsick, but he still felt queasy, and he knew exactly why.

Operation North Star was the most dangerous and outrageous mission he'd ever heard of.

And he was going solo.

In North Korea.
Where they imprison you for taking pictures.

And Austin was supposed to assassinate...

He put a hand to his forehead, this was giving him a headache.

Austin Sky Winters. 18 years old. Going to Korea to "visit family"

Austin recalled the simple, yet daunting mission briefing that had appeared that Friday morning, a year ago.

Do not contact any citizens, we do not need to pull innocent lives into this. We've got our eye on an inconspicuous hotel close enough to the Palace. The trip from airport to hotel can be easily accessed by bus. Detailed information on the commute will be released later on.

This year you will be undergoing intense mission training. The CIA will help you in mastering the art of undercover work, and Mrs Wang (she's such a nice lady) will help you on a rocket course on Korean.

And then Austin recalled the almost-too-bland message he'd received just a week ago.

You are ready. Plane leaves in a week. Keep in mind three things:

-we do not mean to start a war
-every decision affects the outcome of everything else

-do not, at any cost, explicitly expose your Ironhide status

Contact us at any time. This mission must go as smoothly as possible.
Good luck. The forces of all America stand beside you.

Austin hardened his resolve. He'd go in, complete the mission, and slip out, the end. He'd been training for this all his life.

Nothing would go wrong.

Austin managed a smile. It had been a long time since he'd done any undercover work or infiltration. Or any mission at all.

Bring it on.

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