7. News

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The next morning I woke up under the covers in my room. I sat up and stretched, and while doing so took a deep breath and smelled coffee.

"Jinxx is up." I muttered sleepily to myself.
I got out of bed, but noticed I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I must have fallen asleep downstairs and one of the guys must have carried me up.
How sweet I thought with a smile.

I got up and took a shower.
Afterwords, I put on my Batman t-shirt ripped up black jeans and combat boots.
I quietly walked down the stairs, careful not to wake anyone still sleeping.

I walked into the kitchen to find Andy and Jinxx sipping coffee out of tall, black mugs.

"Morning." Andy said with a smile before taking another sip.

"Coffee?" Jinxx asked.

"Yeas please."

Jinxx got me a mug and poured some coffee.
"Thanks." I said quietly as he handed me the mug.

"No problem."

I hopped onto the counter and started to drink my coffee.

Jake walked into the kitchen and made himself a cup of coffee.

"Morning." Jake said rubbing his eyes.

"Morning." We all said in unison.
Jinxx filled up his coffee mug again and the kitchen settled into a comfortable silence.

I looked at the clock on the oven and it read 11:30. How long can those guys sleep?

"They should be up in a hour or so." Jake said.
I froze in mid sip.

"I said that out loud didn't I?"

"Yep." Andy said popping the 'p' and taking a sip.

We sat there for maybe half an hour when I heard a shower turn on and footsteps walking going down the stairs.

"That would be them." Jinxx said.

CC walked into the kitchen with his hair still all messy from sleep.
I made a cup of coffe for CC, then proceeded to make one for Ashley.
As soon as I finished his cup, Ashley walked in.
He grabbed his cup and thanked me by ruffling my hair. I just laughed and didn't attempt to fix it.

"Rayne, we meant to ask you this yesterday, but you kinda fell asleep...." Andy started.

"Do you want to come on tour with us?" CC butted in.
I almost dropped my coffee mug.

"Are you serious!?! YES! YES A MILLION TIMES!!" I said setting down my mug and jumping off the counter.

"Ok. Better get packing. We're leaving tomorrow morning."

I hugged them all and ran up to my room to pack. It didn't take too long and I was sitting in the living room watching Batman with Andy by 1:00.
My eyes started to get heavy and I leaned onto Andy's shoulder. I felt him chuckle and put his arm around me. Then everything went dark.

"Rayne.... Rayne wake up." A voice whispered and a finger poked my face.

"Wwwhat?" I wined.

"Wake up or we'll be late." CC said poking my stomach.

"What for?" I asked opening my right eye.

"Tour." He replied with a crooked smile.
I shot out of bed and pushed a laughing CC out of the room so I could get dressed.

I threw on a BVB tank top and jeans that were left on my bed, along with other merchandise. Most likely from Ashley.

I grabbed my bag I had packed the night before and put the new clothes in it. Then I ran down the stairs and almost ran into Ashley.
"I see you found the stuff I left you."


"Come on! Hurry up!" Andy yelled from the front yard. I ran out the front door and stopped dead in my tracks. The tour bus was even bigger than I imagined.

"What are you waiting for. Go on." Jake said.

I walked into the bus and found CC and Jinxx were already in their bunks.

"Come on, you have a special bunk back here." Andy said walking by me and leading the way to bunks towards the back of the bus.
I set my stuff in my bunk and I realised I forgot something.

I attempted to jog by Ashley and Jake to go back to my room.....The key word is attempted.

"And where do you think your going?" Ashley said sticking his arm in front of my chest.

"I forgot my bass! I needz it!" I said trying to move around Ashely but he wouldn't have it.

"Your bass is already on the bus. It's in back by mine."

"Oh. Thanks Ash." I sighed in relief and hugged him.

"No problem squirt." He said once again ruffling my hair.

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