Part 2 chapter 15

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Selina's P.O.V.

"Well, while you were talking, Jasmine, Emma was finishing that shot!  That wasn't as big of a disaster as I thought it would be!" I say laughingly; half to my self, for confirmation.  Emma smiles and walks out.  I smile brightly and walk out behind her.  I am overcame by a sense of weakness.  My knees buckle from under me and I collapse.  The whole world goes dark. 

"Selina!  Selina, wake up.  Can you hear me?  Open your eyes, please?" someone calls to me, from very far away.  I flutter my eyes, trying to wake up.  I try to move and sit up.  I open my eyes fully and try to get up.  Someone holds me down.  "Let...m-me....." I try to say.  There is a large crowd of people making suggestions and I look at who is holding me down.  "Emma....." I mumble louder than I thought I could muster.  "There are emergency responders coming, everything will be ok, just don't move!" Emma says soothingly.  I lay relaxed and I close my eyes.  I try to control my breathing, but my breaths come shakily.  I roll over and feel warm liquid.  I open my eyes and see blood on my hand.  "Ouch!  What happened?" I ask, finally aware.  Emma giggles softly and puts a loose bandage where the blood is coming from.  Then there is a lot of confusion, that I can't remeber.  I am whisked away to the emergency area.

I sleep while they exam me, I sit up when I feel a sharp stick.  "Just blood work, lay back and try to feel better." a doctor instructs me.  I do and I remeber a medical condition I am in treatment for.  "I..umm...have this condition....treatment causes weak feeling and other side's actually a funny see....I" I mumble, finally letting my secret out.  Everybody backs away at once and I am allowed to go home, but not back to work!  "Don't tell anyone on my floor, they wouldn't treat me the same, if they ask it's because I haven't eaten today, ok?" I warn.  I get nods and I finally go home.

Jasmine's P.O.V.

I hear the comotion outside, but I ignore it.  I feel awful enough as it is.  I go to sleep.  When I wake up it is the next day.  Selina is  back with Emma and Emma has a look of concern, but not for me; for Selina!  "It's time for your antibiotic treatment, Jasmine." Selina says, looking at Emma with a look of confusion.  I uncover one of my legs and I look away.  The alcohol stings yesterday's failed attempt and the shot doesn't hurt nearly as bad.  The sting is distant.  I lay back and breath calmly.  "Done!" Emma says happily after only three minutes.  I look back at the two nurses standing nearby and I smile. 

"Should we check to see if these shots and IV's are helping the G.V.H.D.?" Emma asks confidently, like she alread knows the answer.  Selina nods and pulls a syringe out of a nearby drawer.  I feel suction through my IV and I giggle; for the first time in a very, very long time.  The IV gets closed off and the blood sample is rushed off to a lab for testing.

"We'll leave you alone.  Enjoy feeling better, you've had this therapy for three days; if it's going to help, it will take full effect today." Selina says as she walks out, leaving Emma trailing behind.  I lay back and bask in the first content feeling I've had since G.V.H.D. has started to wreak it's havoc.  I pick up my sketch pad and a pencil I left laying nearby.  I sketch me.  I'm laying on a small bed, smiling, with a wig laid astrewn.  My eyes are closed and I am on oxygen.  There is a flatlined heart monitor nearby and I am in the hospital gown; with an eye mark on my arm showing.  I am dead, but I am happy.  That is how I want to be remebered because I already know I can't beat my cancer and I've excepted it.

Selina's P.O.V.

"This isn't helping!  Her G.V.H.D. is uncurable.  She will need to be on oxygen soon and after that she won't be able to breath on her own, then her body will shut down.  Ultimatly, she is going to die." I say, sadly.  "Emma, go get an oxygen reading, now!" I instruct with an ordering tone.  I am shocked my how sharp my voice is and I sit down.  I still don't feel 100% from my fainting mishap yesterday, my illness is wrecking havoc inside of me!  I leave the small lab and go to my office, for privacy.  I am only alone for five minutes when I get a page from Emma.  Jasmine's oxygen levels are already low.  I page Amber, a nurse from our airway management team.  She comes to my office, instead of Jasmine's room.  "What's wrong?" Amber asks me.  "Jasmine's oxygen levels are low, I need you to start oxygen.  Hurry along now!  Page me if you encounter any difficulties." I instruct.

Jasmine's P.O.V.

Someone else comes into my already crowded room.  "I need to start you on oxygen, with a mask, like right now!" Amber says to me.  I nod and let her put a mask over my nose and mouth.  I breath a few times before the pure oxygen is started.  A button is pushed and pure oxygen pushes at my nose and mouth.  I breath it a few times before pulling it off and starting to cry.  Amber pages someone quickly and I don't even try to quell my tears.  Selina comes in.  I can tell she is annoyed and exhausted.  I can's stop crying.  The pure oxygen makes me feel weird and it upsets me.  "Jasmine!" Selina exclaims with concern becoming evident in my voice.  I continue to cry, letting Amber speak for me.  "I gave her highly cocentrated oxygen, it made her feel funny, she doesn't like it and she is scared.  You have the same equiptment, you can do it just as well as I could.  Good bye!" Amber explains as she walks out slamming my door.  I am still crying hysterically.  Selina tries to calm me, but she doesn't help me, like usual.  Slowly I am able to speak.  "I can't...I won't be...put on th-th-this!" I stutter before crying more.  Selina is obviously sympathetic, but she is also hiding something.  She is debating if she should tell me or not, it is obvious she has something eating at her, but she has been trying to keep it secret.

"You have to Jasmine, if you don't you will die.  If you don't we will just put you on a ventilator." she says after a few minutes.  I put on the mask and I try not to cry, but it makes me feel dizzy.  I adjust to it after a few minutes.  I relax and try to sleep.  Eventually I fall deeply asleep, but I'm not sure if I'll wake up.

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