Chapter 2

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Selina walked into Jasmine's room with the warm bag of bone marrow.  "Are you ready Jasmine?" she asked with a slight waver in her voice.  Jasmine nodded and squeezed her eyes closed.  Selina uncapped the needle and Jasmine tensed up.  "Relax!  It's a small pinch, then you are in isolation for 4 weeks while it takes hold." Selina excalimed.  Jasmine relaxed, but when she felt Selina's prescence she tensed up again.  Selina took a deep breath to control her own anxiety.  This needle was bigger and a lot longer.  Her hands were shaking slightly, but she didn't want Jasmine to notice.  Selina put a torniquet on Jasmine's wrist and she cleaned her hand with alcohol.  Jasmine felt so afraid.  She wanted to open her eyes and say she gives up, but she wasn't going to.  She needed the medicine to get better.  She didn't want to open her eyes, but it was instinct.  She opened her eyes and she began to cry.  Selina sat the IV down and she sat on the end of Jasmine's bed.  "We are going through with this, right?  It will be really fast and all you will feel is a large tube left behind after a sharp stick, you can handle it.  Ready?" Selina said.  Jasmine nodded and Selina smiled.  Her bright smile hid her anxiety.  Her red hair caught the light, but it lost it's shine.  She has been under so much stress she didn't do her conditioning treatments and she didn't really have time to straighten her hair.  She left it dry, frizzy, and really curly.  She pushed her hair out of her eyes. and she stuck the vein in the back of Jasmine's hand.  Jasmine pulled away and began crying.  Selina pushed her hair back and rolled her eyes.  Jasmine knew she was about to stick her, so she shouldn't have pulled away or started to cry.  Selina took her hand back, but Jasmine pulled away again and she started yelling at Selina.  "Why didn't you warn me or try to distract me?  You could have said it would hurt more or at least let me know what was coming.  I don't even want you in the same room as me right now!  We can finish this later!" she yelled.  Selina walked out and went to her office.  She needed a minute to cool off, and so did Jasmine.  Jasmine didn't mean what she said, she was frustrated and afraid.

        Selina walked back in Jasmine's room.  Jasmine looked up and rolled her eyes.  She kept writing in her diary.  Selina took a deep breath and said "Put your diary down and give me the hand I didn't stick."  Jasmine ignored her.  She was too angry and afraid to do what she said.  She wrote faster.  Selina raised her voice slightly "Jasmine, Put down your diary and give me your other hand, now!!"   Jasmine kept writing.  Selina was really angry and annoyed!  She snatched Jasmine's diary and pulled her hand closer to her.  She pushed her hair out of her eyes.  She stabbed Jasmine's hand and Jasmine cried out and tried to pull away.  Selina wasn't going to redo the whole process, but she missed the vein and she had to start all over again with a different vein in Jasmine's foot.   She tied the thick band around Jasmine's calf  and she scrubbed her ankle with rubbing alcohol.  Selina stabbed Jasmine's ankle firmly and the needle was displaced by a sharp kick.  Jasmine also managed to kick Selina in the head.

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