Comment Tips

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Ask yourself "could I have made this comment if I hadn't actually read it?" If yes then try to add something, show the author you're engaged.

Leaving a comment may be nowhere near as difficult as leaving a critique, but there are a few tips on how to do it properly.

Don't just: “omg I love this!” “I'm so excited to read more.” “There were some mistakes and stuff, but overall it was good.” etc... 


-Tell the author what you were thinking and feeling while you read the chapter.

-Any predictions for what will happen next?

-Any questions you found yourself asking as you read?

-Was there a particular line that gave you chills?

-Do you like the character(s)? Dislike the character(s)?


These are just suggestions, and you definitely do not have to cover them all. Actually, don't, we are keeping our comments short-ish. However we do want them to show the author that you are, in fact, actually reading, and that you are thinking about the text as you read.

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