Current Directive

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-Remember to comment on all 3 chapters.

-If you want to drop out for any reason (preferably at the end of a round) please tell me instead of just not doing it. I'll definitely understand, especially if your book is short.

-Got a thing this week, don't want to drop out? Talk to me about transferring your readings.


Time to read! For our new members, groups can be found in the previous chapter. All books can be located through the reading lists so there's no need to search or ask me.

This is due Sunday, July 12.

If anyone is interested in my life that is the last day of this sick music festival I'm going to called Evolve. Last year I disappeared for a while after Evolve and neglected the book club, and you have my word I will try my very best not to do that this time. 

P.S: I've been running this book club for over a year now. Isn't that crazy? 


Don't finish in time? (and we will be checking) You won't be on the read list the next round. If something was going on and you still want to be part of the club, I'll put you back on. Just be prepared that you may be in a different group.

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