Minimalistic Book Club

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We're always accepting new members!

-First rule of Book Club: don't talk about Book Club. Just kidding, please tell your friends.

-This is only for people who promise they'll be 100% committed. I promise I won't bail on you guys, so don't bail on me.

-No fanfiction. Everything else is welcome.

-It doesn't matter if your book is completely, almost complete, or still short. The club will just benefit those with longer books.

-The club will be divided into groups of 5.

-You will be reading 3 chapters of each book in your group every round. That makes 12. (It takes less time than you think.)

-A round is usually around 9-10 days.

-You will stay with the same people as long as possible, reading the next 3 chapters of the same books every round. 

-You get out as much as you put in. No one will get cheated here. If you don't read the chapters your book gets taken off the list for next round.

-You only have to leave a short comment that indicates you read the chapter. Ask yourself "could I have made this comment if I hadn't actually read it?" If yes then try to add something, show the author you're engaged.

-I love giving and getting critiques as much as the next person, but that's not the purpose of this club. If you want to you can message the other club members individually. I know I'd be up to swap long critiques.

-Long term we'll be able to discuss, and advise each other on things like overall plot.

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