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If you like happy endings, this is NOT the story for you. This is a completely different Fran Bow than the one you know.

I look at the journal I hold in my hands. Inside, the owner's name has faded, but I know clear as day who it belongs to. Scratches from young cats are across the leather covered book. A drip of blood or two. When I open it up, I see the messy writing of a traumatized 8 year old - this entry is from 1941...

Everything's fine...

It feels like heaven.

I see my parents...

They look happy.

They have a present for me.

I wonder...

It's a cat! So sweet and pretty!

Dark as the deepest night...

It's Mr. Midnight!

My best friend...

My only friend.

I remember that day. I had received a cat as white as snow. I had named it, accordingly, Snowball. I was only 12 then. She is 10 now and I am 14. Snowball ran away a long, long time ago. I know how the story goes, but I keep reading, desperately wanting to see how this young girl recorded the tragedy. I skip to the next day or so...

We are having dinner, and I see Aunt Grace too.

I really like her a lot...

It's Friday.

My parents are going out...

Aunt Grace takes good care of me.

We are having so much fun.

Easy for her to say. Aunt Grace never really liked me. I always heard her muttering about what a spoiled brat I was. But hey, older siblings are like that. Not my fault Fran was the better sister. I skip to Monday, 3 days later, knowing what is about to happen. Tears well in my eyes - my heart aches.

It's Monday night.

I'm playing with Mr. Midnight...

But something feels real bad.

A strange creature outside my window...

I don't like it.

It scares me...

Fran had always talked about this creature. I never believed her when she said she saw it. I think it was part of the trauma, the hallucinations. But she always insisted it was real, it was real, she told me. Imaginative, she was. Thinking of such a creature with a dead goat for a head...

Suddenly I hear something.

It's Mom!


I want to know what's wrong!

I heard that scream. It scared me like nothing before. I had told Fran I would check it out, that she was being paranoid - I insisted it was just the wind, but I knew better. She tried to follow me into the room - but I pushed her aside when I saw what had happened. Somehow, she still got in to view the horror scene in front of us.

A bright light shines from my parents' room...

I run towards the door, but Faye beats me.

She pushed me away, saying something among the lines of "Who did this?!"...

I saw that Faye had fallen to the ground.

I went closer.

And closer...

And closer still.

I didn't want to read on. But my curiosity got the best of me. I had tried so hard to protect my younger sister from seeing that horrible, bloody scene, but I had went into shock, so I couldn't move to stop her. I'm sobbing now, grieving greatly. A knife...

Mom? Dad?

A pool of blood around an arm...

Please don't...

A mother's decapitated head and severed hand...

Mommy..? Daddy..?

A father's separated midsection...

Why me..?

A pentagon of blood and a tiny little knife.

I was still too shocked to move at that point. Fran had grabbed me and her cat and ran out to the woods. I think I had hallucinated too, because it seemed like every step I took caused more and more blood to flow from the windows and doors of our house. Fran had tripped, ripping her soft pajamas.

The last thing I remember before the cloaked men took us was Mr. Midnight scampering away...

Faye's Prophecy: A FranfictionWhere stories live. Discover now