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I had been just outside of town when Ray hit the side of the door. The car skidded to a stop. Quickly I grabbed my bag and pulled out my sewing kit that I always kept in my bag, then jumped out of the car and sprinted to the other side. Once the door opened I had acted on instinct, as Ray almost hit the ground, and caught him. His eyes occasionally fluttered opened then closed again like he was trying to be on alert. I put the seat back and slipped him back into the car. After I pulled out the needle and thread I pulled up his shirt and started stitching him up. By the time I finished and rapped a bandage around his wound a disgusting rotting pit rested in my stomach. I still couldn't believe I had been the cause of that.
Just as I had been standing up a cellphone rang. I didn't think as I reached into Ray's pocket and answered. I waited for a voice to come through.
"Ray, we have someone here you may want to come see. Does this ring a bell?" I heard whispering then a loud scream. It was a man. Sounded like they had cut something off by the sounds coming from the other line.
I felt like I didn't want to know who that man had been to Ray.
"Your lover." My heart sank. I felt a little sick. My body felt frozen. He isn't single? Well I shouldn't be surprised I mean we did fuck the first time we met. Just thinking I was only a fuck to him hurt like hell. It shouldn't have, I mean it isn't like I like him or anything.

"You better come soon, or Johnny will get what you should be getting." The line went dead. Damn I wanted to just keep driving but even the smallest chance that Ray loved him, I had to go back. The car drive was silent. It had been silent the hole time but this time it made me uncomfortable. All I could think of was what they did together and if he even thought of me when we had sex or if he was just bored. He didn't sound bored.
Once I saw a motel I stopped and went around to pull up Ray. It felt weird to carry him after that call. Not because I didn't like the way it felt but because I kept wondering if that had been how his lover, Johnny held him. God I hated the thought of someone else touching him. Wait what? Hold on a minute. I didn't just think that did I? No it must be a mistake. It isn't like I like him or anything. I looked down at his sleeping face. Who am I kidding? Not myself for sure.
I paid for the room and once I was in I laid Ray on the bed. The lady at the till gave me a weird look. I mean I was carrying an unconscious boy around. I was glad she didn't say anything. I blame the scowl carved into my face. I sat down and looked for a pen and a piece of paper. Once I found them my next job was to leave a note. After writing a simple

I went to save your lover Johnny, don't leave the motel.

I left and locked the door. As the ride was silent again all that was on my mind had been what he did with this lover. I also what he thought of me. Was he just hanging around because I would have sex with him? I didn't want to think about that at all but the thoughts wouldn't stay away.

By the time I got back into town it had been dark out. Closing my eyes I remembered the sounds behind Johnny's screams on the cell. After a few minutes I knew exactly where they were.

It had been an old barn just outside of town. I could hear the windmills in the background. It took ten minutes to get to the place. The old worn down barn stood tall as if it still showed pride even in its condition. I slowly carefully slipped inside hoping I went unnoticed. Lucky it had seemed so. I watched as a man picked up a tool. I wanted to wait to see what he planned to do with it when someone I noticed right away cried. He was tied to a chair. His hair waxed down, a scarlet red, he was pale. Blood surround who I guessed was Johnny. His face was completely beat up. It made me cringe at the thought of if Ray saw the state his lover had been in. Ray had an effect on me that no one has ever had. Once I saw someone who he loved in that condition made me want to save them.
I pulled out my gun and aimed. Too bad I heard the click of a gun right behind me.

Now I sit tied to a chair waiting to be tortured. As I sat here the last bit I had gone through with Ray made a sad smile draw onto my face. Who am I kidding I am going to die today. I look over at Johnny
Fear was clearly written over his face. It seems as though he is trying to hide it but failing miserably.
"Bloody rose, huh, never thought I would meet you, and under these circumstances " I look over to the brunette and keep my mouth shut. The man bares his teeth in a sort of sheepish grin.

"My name is Tyler." That is his name. Hmm.

"I just can't comprehend why you are sitting in front of me, flesh and blood." The enthusiasm way so say the least, like I was listening to a fan. This guy puts me on high alert.

"You know I have tried so hard to find you." Blood lust pores out of this man in over powering waves of excitement.

"I would have never guessed you would show up here and now of all times and places." Suddenly his tone gets serious losing all regular emotion.

"Why did you leave? Many relied on you. You were a hero. Everyone either feared or adored you. Though who wanted to kill you or fight you were erased. Remember how you got the name bloody rose?" I really don't need to hear this.

"You used to carve the design of roses into the skin of those you killed. I admired that." Tyler lets a long sigh out.

"But then the bodies stopped piling up." Anger rises deep inside his eyes, slowly it oozes out like a broken pipe line filling the room with restricted air.

"Though I am curious. I called Ray here, please tell me why Bloody rose himself showed up?" I stay silent.

"I bet you know where he is, tell me." I don't let even a light sound slip through my lips.

"Why would you help him? The sadist right hand man of Bill." my eyes widen as my mouth parts in confusion and shock. Tyler starts to smirk.

"You didn't know? You should know I am very knowledgeable. I even know how you killed Dan and Ric. So sad I thought you had even a sliver of human aspects." Tyler shrugs.

"But you are not as bad as Ray. He has tortured and killed thousands of innocent people. He has even killed children, I would say around the age of your now deceased little sister." A low growl comes out from deep within my throat.

Finally he shuts up for a minute. I get a good look at him now. He has on a loose dark purple suit with a blood red tie. His dark brown hair contracts his cold ice blue eyes. The shine in his eyes gives me a glimpse of how many people have looked into those ice water circles before they died.

This man is blood thirty, it is obvious the way he looks at me like a lion looks at a gazelle. I feel as all the air in my lungs disintegrates. The longer time slips by the less air remains in the barn. Tyler's eyes and my own lock together. His eyes seem as though they were trying to intimidate mine. The silence is broken.

"You hold your own." Tyler does a small circle with his lean body.

"I would expect nothing less from blood rose." I blankly stare at him.

"I am so excited. I have always wanted to play with you." Tyler reaches into his pocket and pulls out a long seven inch hunting knife. As the blade spins in his hand I notice there is a bright red rose on the side of the blade.

My eyes and ears twitch when I notice Johnny loosening the rope around his hands. Don't do it. with every cell in my body I hope I am wrong for what I think he is going to do. Quickly I dislocate my thumbs and pull them out of the rope then lunge forward. Tyler goes to shoot Johnny but I react just in time to push him out of the way. I hit the ground. My eyes glance up to see Johnny running, I notice that Tyler is about to open fire. Before a breath I am on top of him. He shots again but misses. The bullet hits the roof making a small hole on it's way out. The man gains control but only long enough for me to blink, then I am on top. Still he has the gun. I pull it away but a second too late as he pulls the trigger. A sudden pain rushes through my chest. It quickly becomes hard to breathe. I am not finished yet! Tyler stood and empties his clip into my body then runs off to chase after Johnny.

I feel so cold. Slowly I roll onto my back. Molly I guess this is where we will be reunited.

How did I get myself into this? How did this all start? Right. Ray. Still, thinking of him I feel no negative emotions towards him. He was there when I needed someone. God I hope he is okay sleeping at the motel. My eyes start to close as the room temperature drops. What is that word I am looking for? I feel gratitude towards him? No that isn't right. My hands rest on my chest, the pain fades as blood runs over them. I start to lose my thoughts. Just as Molly is about to greet me I know exactly what I desperately need to tell Ray. It stung not just my chest but my eyes and throat. I itch to tell him, I love him. Goodbye Ray.


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