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Trigger warning, this chapter may contain sexual abuse and if you can't handle it then feel free to skip over it, there will be a warning at the part. 


I opened my eyes just as someone tried to touch me, I immediately reacted and pushed the person away. my head hurt to top it off. 

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see a familiar face. It was that guy who ran into traffic. Dumb ass. The guy went to grab me, I assume to help me up but Molly suddenly pushed him away, he was leaning over so he actually stumbled a bit.

"No!" Molly screamed, I went to stand up when Molly jumped onto me and hugged me tightly, I winced at the pain as she squeezed my shoulder. After I took a deep breath I stood trying to ignore the pain as my body tried to keep me from moving. Damn it, between Dan and Chad I am a sore mess and the Adrenalin had started wearing off, I needed to start moving. I looked at the guy, he stared back.

"Are you okay?" I nodded and held Molly close to keep the blood hidden, she understood without having to use words, smart girl and leaned into me more not moving her hand as blood started to run over it. The guy put his hand out and after a few seconds his hand dropped. He gave a small Curtis smile.

"I'm Sam, I think I have seen you before..." He trailed off.

"Yeah, uh you ran into traffic and I pushed you off the road."

"Oh! Yeah I remember now, and thanks for that." Sam kept up his smile. I nodded

"I should get going." Those nails were not going to come out on their own and my feet were swimming in my blood. Sam looked at his watch.

"Yeah you are probably right, it is getting late but hey here is my card so maybe we can meet up." He pulled out his card and handed it to me. I looked down at the card as he walked away, I had thought it was some kind of joke but it wasn't.

Sam William. psychic.

I stopped reading at that.

I held Molly close as I looked up at the house, the lights were on, fucking fantastic. slowly I walked up to it and through the door.

"You are useless!" I heard a loud bang and put Molly down.

"Run." Without another word Molly was off and up the stairs before Dan even noticed. I got to the first step when Dan grabbed me by the shoulder. I gritted my teeth together as he squeezed it, pushing the nails in deeper. We held eye contact for a few seconds then he punched me in the gut. I started coughing as he continued to punch me. He got me on floor and stomped on me like dirt. He kept hitting my shoulder, I had been to busy trying to protect my head that I left it completely open. My vision started to blur.

"Baby please." Jane walked up to Dan and rapped her arms around him. He stopped hitting me and turned to face her. Stupid. She grabbed his face and started kissing him like her life depended on it and he kissed her back with the same intensity, completely forgetting me. I stood up and started my way up the stairs. Everything was blurry as I fought with every step. Once I got up the stairs I knocked on Molly's and my door.

"Molly let me in." I heard foot steps then a click. I walked in and grabbed a hard plastic box then headed to the bathroom. without saying anything Molly closed the door and locked it. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Looking into the mirror I took deep breaths then opened the kit and started undressing. I sat down, grabbed the pliers and slowly started taking out the nails.

I got them all out and slipped to the floor. After awhile I grabbed the gauze and rapped my wounds up as best as I could. Just as I finished I let the darkness take over and my eyes closed.

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