Chapter 1

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Chapter One

~Skyla's POV

I walked down the empty cold walk way, hugging my student diary. First period was French and I needed my diary to fill in my student-movement table, just in case a teacher would think I was wagging class...

As the cold air hit in my bare legs, crows’ chirped as paper and plastic litter blew towards them.

Today was really cold, but warm enough for me to survive in a skirt. I pulled out my knife from my diary and walked towards a bench.

Every once in a while, me and my best friends, Hannah, would have a conversation, carving words into the wooden bench, getting out of class by telling the teacher that we needed to go to the bathroom.

‘French is so boring, I miss him’ I caved those very words into the wood, just before I heard a manly voice chuckle from behind me.

I quickly turned around and scanned my eyes, for them to only land on my ex and him brother walking up the brick floored steps.

He (Andrew) was him...

(The one that I carved into the wooden bench)

I lost my virginity to him... first and the best. Lately, I’ve been so depress that I’m not thing straight. I had meaningless sex with a few other random guys that I met and Bluelight.....

I didn’t know that I loved him until I broke up with him. He was so shocked, I could see that he loved me back but I didn’t feel anything... Until now.

As he walked past mumbling to his brother, walking up to the year center most-likely getting a late note, he sent me an evil look.

He had moved on, to another girl called Tobie. But that didn’t last very long. I was close friends with Tobie and I was really good at hiding my emotions.

The last time he have sex, it was with me, many times after our first time. I thought to myself. I turned around to see that his brother was turning the corner away, but there was no sign of Andrew.

I ignored it and went back to carving a cute heart on the bench.

My phone vibrated. Crap, it scared me. I looked at the scream, unknown number...

Jesus Christ, how do people freaking get my number, its creepy. I touched the screen of my HTC and opened the message.

*I can see you*

It read. What the fuck.

Not only is that creepy but... a little bit freaking storkerish.

I put my phone back into my bra and walked back to class, Also putting away my knife. I looked up to the sky, there were grey heavy clouds covering the sky and cold wind brushed against my skin. I liked the feeling.


(Recess time)

“Hey....” Hannah called out. I pretended I didn’t hear her.

“Babe look at me” she demanded. I looked up, with a smile on my face.

“Guess what.... I just found out that Tobie and Andrew had a really bad break up, he wanted to break up with him and she wouldn’t let him” said  called out.

“Oh, really?” I asked in a ‘Oh, so fascinating’ voice.

“Yeah, but get this... She admitted that she threatened him, as in she took out her knife and held it to his throat, threatened him” she said very slowly.

To be honest, I was shocked.

“Did that break up tho?” I asked curiously.

“Yup, that the good thing.”

I wouldn’t have expected Tobie to do such thing, she was always quiet, but she talked a lot to us.


(End of school)

I walked out of my last class with Tobie. I asked her about if what Hannah had said was true, and yes, it was.

“Aright, I’m this way, bye” She whispered to me. I smiled and walked to the other side of the school.

My mother picked me up 30 minutes after the bell went. She figured that if I needed some alone time I would have it every day after school for a few minutes. Once that bell went the school was empty after about 20 minutes. Only silence was to be heard.

I stood in the middle of the pathway look out on the road. Mum shouldn’t take long, should she? I thought to myself.

I moved to the side so a part of my shoulder was leaning on the wall, looking down on my phone, texting Hannah.

“You should of ignored my text, Skyla...”


Skyla, played by Natalie Blair-->

(Sorry for spelling/grammar mistakes)


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