Chapter 4 | Age 11

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11 years of living and breathing brought one thing. Middle school. Oh, and periods. So two things. Two horrible things.

But it did bring good things. A new start from elementary school. Kat promised herself that she would go out there and make friends instead of letting everyone else become friends with each other and end up along with the rejects again - the mean rejects.

And this year, she did. 

"Hey, I'm Kat."

The girl who had been in most of Kat's classes that day smiled. "Piper."

Piper was a tiny thing, with a freckled face and an upturned nose. Her smile was soft but beautiful.

Kat knew that they'd be friends. Or at least, she hoped. That day they talked about their lives, the schoolwork, the transition from elementary to middle school, and anything else they could think of. It seemed Piper seemed relieved to have a friend as well.

Kat wasn't alone this time.


Sixth grade was when Kat first started the obsession stage.

In the third grade, she first started reading the Harry Potter series. She finished in the fifth grade. Then, during the summer after fifth, she read the entire series once more; thus starting the yearly ritual of reading the series once over during the summer. She could never get enough of Harry Potter. The humor never got old and there was always something new to discover.

The obsession then changed to Twliight. When she was nine, she promised herself that she would never read something so stupid like Twlight with vampires and werewolves fighting over some random girl. But her eleven-year-old self betrayed her nine-year-old self and read it anyway. And became addicted to it. She read it twice. Then she decided six months later that she hated it. Her eleven-and-a-half-year-old self was teaming up with her nine-year-old self and ganging up on her eleven-year-old self.

Next on the obsessions list was The Hunger Games. She started reading the first book at this age, and by the time she was starting the third book, the first movie was coming out. She could only perfectly imagine herself with Peeta. It would have been meant to be, had he not been over ten years older than her and a fictional character.

Soon after The Huger Games came Divergent. The exact same thing happened with Divergent as did with The Hunger Games. It made her so mad that everyone pretended to have read the books long before the movie came out when really she knew they hadn't. When she was reading the first book, she was telling everyone about it and they decided it wasn't good enough for them so they just said, "Oh that sounds cool," then proceeded to talk about more popular subjects.

Last but not least, came One Direction. Watching XFactor on YouTube was a regular for her. One Direction was soon on the obsessions list. It was funny because when she watched their first video, she promised she wouldn't become obsessed with them as well - she already had enough to be obsessed with. Long story short, she was the most weak-willed person to ever be. One Direction followed her for the rest of her teenage years. No matter how many tattoos they got.


It was lunch when she decided to visit her teacher's classroom to ask about a math problem she hadn't understood on last night's homework. While on her way, she heard a noise coming from the boy's bathroom. Strumming. And singing. And it sounded like Luke.

Kat had a fleeting thought of just calling his name out in the bathroom, but then she shoved the thought away. Even if it were him, he probably wouldn't answer her. She wasn't exactly his favorite person. And if it weren't him, she'd probably die of humiliation.

She decided that she could always ask him later if she wanted to.


And she asked him. When they were alone, of course. "Luke, by any chance, do you know how to play the guitar?"

He looked taken aback. "No, why does it matter?"

"Oh," she said softly. "I just thought I heard you today at lunch. It must've been someone else."

She started walking away. Luke almost walked away, as well, but he felt like he needed to tell someone or else it would eat him up. Here she was, then universe's perfect gift for him at this moment. The universe had given him an opportunity. Was he going to blow it?

"Kat, wait!"

She became the only non-family-member to know of Luke's passion for playing music.

Ever since then, they were best friends.


follow my sidekick acc @accidentally. if anything were to happen to this acc, i would post my works there.

i love this chapter idk why bc it's nothing special lol  x

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