chapter 3: when it comes to bad luck I'm lucky

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Chapter 3

Turning the key in the lock, I entered the house, not bothering to call out as I knew no one was home. I made my way into my room, swinging my bag onto my bed. I changed out of my school clothes, and as my tank top and shorts were put on numerous bruises and scars came into view. The most prominent one was on my stomach, and it was an ugly shade of green and yellow. I sighed; pretty sure my ribs were bruised.

   Making my way back downstairs, I threw on a sweatshirt and began dinner. On tonight’s menu was spaghetti and meatballs. I hummed a bit as I stirred the pasta, oddly happy. I thought back to the school day. While the whispers and looks had been slightly annoying, I was just glad I had found a friend. It was funny how different we were, but still got along so well. K didn’t seem to ever stop talking, but I didn’t really mind because I didn’t talk all that much anyway. Through our conversations throughout the day, I learned that she was from a relatively well endowed family, had two older sisters and a younger brother.

I almost felt bad as I told her next to nothing about me though she basically spilled her whole life story, but I didn’t like to talk about my family, plus she was happy to do all the talking. She had even forced me to agree to come shopping with her on Friday. I say forced, though I was secretly happy. The only thing I was worried about was not having money and being home in time to make dinner...but I could always make something and freeze it. I nodded to myself as I continued to cook, satisfied with my plan.

Just as I was finishing dinner, I heard the door open and my mood immediately dropped. I knew it was my brother as he always gets home ten minutes before dad. Jimmy made his way past me, bee lining for the fridge were the alcohol was kept. He didn’t acknowldge me, and I made no move to make him. If he was going to ignore me, I would be very happy… but of course it didn’t last. After downing half a bottle of whatever he was drinking he turned to look at me, eyes with the all too familiar malicious glint to them.

“So? What’s for dinner, Amelia?” he used a sickly sweet voice, and I prepared for an attack that was sure to follow. “S-spaghetti and meatballs.” I replied, hating that I stuttered and spoke so quiet, but not able to help it. “What was that?” he leered, coming closer. “Spaghetti a-and meatballs” I said again, my voice slightly firmer but still stuttering. He leaned back, and took another swig of his drink. He opened his mouth to say something- nothing good, I imagine- and was cut off by the sound of a slamming door and footsteps. Giving a me look that obviously meant “you are so lucky I was interrupted” he made his way into the dining room to greet the footsteps which had stopped in there. “Hey, dad.”

After returning my brothers greeting with one of his own, my father called to me, “bring me dinner. And a beer.” raising his voice much higher than necessary to issue the command. I put the food onto a plate, and grabbed his drink. After all, it wasn’t like I could go against him…. When I came into the dining room he was already seated at the table, across from Jimmy. My presence was not acknowledged, and I set the food in front of my dad alongside his beer and turned to leave the room. However, I was stopped by a stinging slap to my side, which lucky didn’t directly hit the already bruised area, but nonetheless causing me to draw a sharp intake of breath. I turned to the man that had hit me, my father, and asked “yes, dad?” keeping my eyes pinned to the floor. He was like a dog: looking him in the eyes was like issuing a challenge, and I had no intention to do that. I already knew I would lose.

“What about your brother food, Amelia? He has been working all day to help keep this family on its feet, and you can’t even bring him his dinner?” he verbally slashed me, made worse by the stinging in my side. My brother’s “job” was nothing more than a cashier at the local grocery store, barley earning anything and keeping all he did. Dad didn’t seem to mind though. Jimmy could do anything, and dad wouldn’t mind.

“Yes, sir.” I responded, quickly going back to the kitchen to get the food. I stayed up until about 11, running to get beers for them or more food, only getting hit twice more; once for no apparent reason and the other for the spilling the drink I had been carrying when hit the first time. After putting away the leftovers (I was been to tired to eat) and doing the dishes I went and hid in my room, trying to get some sleep, though it was made hard by the dull aching in my side.

The next morning, I quietly ate breakfast (yesterday’s dinner) and began the walk to school, glad that Jimmy and my dad didn’t get up early so no one could ruin my morning. Wandering through the streets (I had gotten up early, so I had a little time) I noticed a familiar car that made any optimism I might have had about the day plummet. after a hurried escape before the driver of said car could see me, I arrived at school. Entering the school, I sighed as Queenie and her gang approached me, evil intent evident in their perfect smiles. Right before they reached me, I could only think “I swear a black cat didn’t cross my path…so why the bad luck…”

so...who do think was in the car *evil laughs* dont worry, all will be revelied in time...and by time i mean proably the naxt chapter if that cheerleader pregnant female dog (trying not to cuss! but you get me...) doesnt make her appearence longer than necassary. my characters kinda have minds of their own, and half the time wont listen to me ! anyway, you can thank greenday for Heart's brother's name, as i was out of name ideas until thier song st. jimmy came on and i stole his name...lets hear it for music! PLEASE comment...i would love to hear  some feedback.

-LG, hoping for a few'll get imaganary choclate cake if you do! *waves cake under your nose* now you're going to comment, right?

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