New nice people instead

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I just ignore her and continued playing with my dad. After we played for 4 hours we went back to the hotel and washed up. We were going to this buffet on the cruise.

When we walked in I saw, guess who? that girl again. Ugh! I didn't give her a look, I didn't say anything, I just ignored her and ate my food.

Afterwards, when it was night, I got to go to some museum on the boat. When we walked in I saw another family. No, not 'her' family, another one. A family of 4 kids and 2 parents. They had a girl about my age looking at crystals. She had long, and I mean long, pass her butt long, straight brown hair and had pale skin. She was looking at the crystals with her sister who had lighter brown hair up to her lower back and was curly and looked about Clyde's age. I could tell she was the second oldest, she had an older brother with dark dark dark brown hair and a little brother with dirty blonde hair. I wanted to meet her, but I didn't want to look like a creep. Thank goodness Clyde wanted to see the crystals. I walked him over there and saw more of the girl's face. She had bangs and blue eyes. Her little sister looked kind of like her but no bangs and brown eyes.

Turns out we coincidentally followed that family around. When we left, this time, their family followed us. Their room is across from us. Our moms somehow started talking and that made me and the girl talk.

Girl: hi, I'm Megan

Me: oh hi, I'm Morgan

Megan: that's really nice.

Me: thank you.

Megan: well....what brings your family on a cruise?

Me: my birthday

Megan: happy birthday!!!!

Me: thanks, and you?

Megan: we won tickets

Me: good job

Megan: thanks

Mom: Morgan, time to come in

Megan: bye

Me: bye

I don't like those awkward sweet conversations, but she might be a new, nice, friend on the boat.

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