In Love with Luke, Chapter 9

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As the school day slowly ends, you are so happy to know its Friday. As you walk out of school Luke is waiting for you by the car, he says ‘Beau asked if you wanted to come to Zoo Underage with us tonight’, you agree and text your Mum. On the way home you stop by your place to grab so clothes for Zoo. You go to the Brooks house, and are greeted by your boyfriend Luke, already dressed. You quickly get changed and as you walk out you see Beau standing there looking shocked, as he walks away Luke comes and says ‘You look Gorgeous as per usual’. You blush and give him a kiss on the cheek. As Gina drives you to Zoo, Beau starts singing, Jai and Luke both tell him to Shut Up. As you arrive Beau buys a drink, he offers you some but you only have a sip. Luke takes you to the dance floor where you dance all night long, but then Luke has to go to the bathroom so you decide to go talk to Beau. Beau’s a bit tipsy but you still manage to get along, he keeps staring at you. ‘Beau Stop Staring at me its scary!!’, he just laughs and has another sip of his drink. ‘My brother is lucky to have you , you are gorgeous’, you blush and just wave it off, and order a drink. You start ordering more and more drinks as Luke arrives back, he just holds you as you get more and more tipsy and laughs at all your mistakes. He informs you that him and Jai are going to go see James. You stay with Beau. You both are tipsy, and people start telling you to watch where you are going, Beau leads you into the bathroom to get away from all the noise. As you walk in you both slip on water landing on top of each other, staring into his green eyes. 

In Love with Luke Brooks (Janoskians)Where stories live. Discover now