Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

Now that James knew Jessie would not bother Ash and Misty, and realizing he was still covered in soup, he fled to the bathroom. He hadn't been this stressed since the eight hundred and fifty-third time they'd tried to capture Pikachu. He  didn't remember why that attempt had been so special. His passion had gone downhill since then.

And here he was, relaxing stringed music playing as he sat on the lounge chair in the men's restroom, trying to remove the soup stains. He was about to pull his hair out as he wondered how he was going to keep Jessie from finding out that the twerps were right under her rather pointy nose and that Ash was not the son of a wealthy diplomat.

He imagined blow torches would be involved for some reason.

The door to the bathroom opened. James rubbed his eyes tiredly, discarding another stained paper towel, preparing to head for the battlefield yet again.

"You know, you're not as good at acting as you used to be."

Standing in front of James was none other than Ash Ketchum with his arms crossed and face serious.

             It was a good thing James' bladder was empty or else, well...

              "Sir!" James exclaimed, continuing his act. "I am terribly sorry  to meet you in such an immodest location. If you need something, I will  be right there."

             Ash's mouth quirked in an expression James did not know how to decipher. "James, I know it's you."            

              James scrambled, not to standing, but to a position that looked as if  he was trying to squeeze himself into the crevice of the couch to  disappear forever. "The restaurant can kick you out if you even think of hurting an employee!"

             "Calm down." Ash caught his arm as James tried to flee towards the door. When did Ash get so tall? "I need to ask you something."

             "The chicken comes with lemon!"

             "No, not about the food." Ash paused. "We don't get free dessert, do we? Like with kids meals?"

"No!" James tried to psych the young Trainer out by bobbing his head forward quickly, almost hitting his forehead to Ash's, but he didn't even flinch. Years of failure cast Team Rocket as unintimidating as a Magikarp—no matter how much Jessie tried to overcompensate for that fact.

             "That's a bummer. Oh well." Ash frowned. "Anyway, it's not about that. It's about Misty."

              "I'm going to get fired being in here for so long," James retorted,  making for the door again, which Ash blocked. "You can't keep me locked in the bathroom."

             "I helped you get out of trouble with your boss, didn't I? Just hear me out."

              "I'll scream." James warned. He meant it. And it would be loud. He was  an amazing screamer. The police would most likely be called.

             "I want to marry her."

             James' thoughts came to a screeching halt. The air he had built to use to call for help came out in a silent whoosh.

             Ash wanted to marry Misty.

              James thought about it. All the times they had spied on the two in the  past, in the present. It was a running joke in Team Rocket that Ash  Ketchum would leave a trail of broken hearts in his wake because of his  obliviousness, never being one to realize that many of the girls he met or traveled with had crushes on him.

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