Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

"I am terribly sorry for the wait," James said politely as he set their waters down with a flourish, as well as a basket of bread. "Do you have any questions about the menu?"

Ash scrunched his eyes as if reading the menu was very difficult. "Er, yeah. The fil-it mig-non."

"Filet mignon," James corrected, notepad at the ready.

"Is that like a hamburger?"

James decided to keep it simple."Without the bun, yes."

"And what is Béarnaise?"

"A creamy Kalos sauce, sir."

"Oh. That sounds fancy." Ash paused. "I mean good. Uh, real refined. My good sir."

James heard an exasperated sound from the other side of the table.

"I'll have that."

"How would you like that cooked, sir?"


James went on explaining the ways steak could be cooked to an Ash Ketchum who was getting more bewildered by the second. "You know, on second thought I'll just have the chicken. It's less expensive anyway."


He looked up at the reprimanding voice of Misty, her eyebrows raised in warning.

"You can have whatever you want, Misty. Promise. I like chicken, you know. I like all food."

Her lips thinned before she gave a small smile. "I'll have the chicken as well."

"Would you like anything else?"

"No. Thanks, Jaime," Ash said, giving a thumbs up. Misty gave a small cough of disapproval, but her eyes were amused.

James scribbled down the very easy to remember orders, surprised they hadn't recognized him.

He heard Jessie's louder voice call out from the kitchen. James put the notebook away, stood stiffly, and scooted towards Misty, who sat nearest the kitchen, listening for the doors. "Would you like me to scoot in your chair, madam?"

"Oh, I'm actually fine—!" Before she could finish, James had pushed her against the table in his haste to block her from Jessie's sight. The silverware rattled on the table. He could hear the searing sound of food, glad that his friend was carrying a tray and most likely didn't hear the commotion.

"Are you ok, Misty?" Ash was halfway out of his seat to help when James shuffled over, jamming the boy's chair into the table in the same manner. Ash let out an oof. "Hey! What was that for?"

Finding Jessie nowhere in sight, James turned to the twerps. "I'm terribly sorry you're not accustomed to Kalos traditions. They are very rough people, you see. Not hospitable. Rather forceful. If you'll excuse me..."

And then he was off, back to the kitchens, forcing the order in Meowth's paws, begging, "These customers are absolutely horrible. Horrible! You must get their food out as quickly as possible so they can finish their meal and go. Please!"

"Alright, alright. Keep what's left of your dignity. Dat was just embarrassing, James. We need ta work on dat pleadin' of yours." Meowth swiped the orders and got out the chicken needed for the dishes.

James' eyes lit up and he kept from rubbing his hands together. They would leave soon.


James was sweating more than an Ice type in a sauna.

"Why are you acting so weird?" Jessie demanded. "And why did you move all those plants around?"

He didn't turn around. The restaurant was so busy that every single table had occupants. James couldn't move Ash and Misty, which meant he had been forced to camouflage them.

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