Chapter 5- The Attack

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I walked briskly to the library with Greyson sauntering behind me. Ignoring his occasional singgering, I was about to barge into Mother's room before I heard some voices.

"We must not tell Aurelia about this! It's too dangerous." I heard my brother Damien said. Leaning my head against the wall, I gave Greyson a death glare to shut him up.

"She deserves to know!" My sister Daisy contradicted. Know what??

"SHE COULD DIE!! Do you know that our sister is in grave danger right now?? HOW COULD YOU RUN THE RISK OF GETTING HER KILLED!" Damien growled.

"I know Damien but we all know how she makes rash choices when she's not-" Daisy protested.

"RASH CHOICES MY ARSE!!!! She'll be dead in 10 minutes of she-"

"Stop this both of you!" Mother hushed. Unable to contain my curiosity anymore, I gently knocked on the door twice and entered the room with Booger Boy behind me. Damien quickly grabbed a random book from the shelf and pretended to read while Mother and Daisy quickly engaged themselves in a conversation about the weather.

"Such great weather today!" My sister chirped happily.

"Indeed, we should go for a walk in the park sometime. Don't you think Aurelia?" Mother lied. I looked out the window and raised an eyebrow.

"As much as I would like to accompany you, it seems to be snowing quite heavily." I observed as Daisy flushed. I turned to Damien.

"Good morning Aurelia! I'm just reading this fantastic book!" He said, showing off his gleamy smile that made the female population of Arcadia swoon.

"Baby's first book of Nursery Rhymes." I read from the cover of the book he was holding up.

"'s rather, um, interesting." Damien lied.

"Really now?" I said mockingly.

"Yes....let's see. Incy Wincy Spider went up the water spout-" he sang. Don't get me wrong, my brother was a lady's man when it came to looks but......singing? Not so much. Let's just say he sounds like a lyrebird that got dragged across the road and leave it at that....

"Gotta go, bye!" Daisy said, grabbing Damien by the arm as they left the bedroom. I heard Greyson give a low whistle as he looked at my sister's behind. UGHHH!!!!! THIS PIG!!!!!!! I discretely trodded on his foot at the earliest opportunity.

"So.....what can I do for you Aurelia?" Mother said, shining a fake smile.

"I have a question, Mother." I stated.

"Well, go ahead."

"Are we Light Healers?" I said, gesturing to Booger Boy next to me. Mother looked shocked for a moment, but an expression of resignation covered her face.

"Well, now that you've figured it out-" she began before a couple of large bulky guards burst into the door.

"Your Highness! There's been an attack in the castle, come quickly!" A guard said, ushering us out quickly.

"What?!?!?!? Come on Aurelia, and you too Greyson!" Mother said, before an arrow hit the back of Greyson's leg and he fell backwards. I gasped in shock but quickly dragged him up as we began running.

"Ha! I've got you now!" A familiar voice said. it him?

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