U Got It Bad

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Surprisingly, when I walked out the door with Rey on my heels, I found my car sitting in the driveway. The silver paint was glinting in the sunlight and if I was correct, someone had given her a bath.

I stood stunned in the doorway with a jacket over my arm, mouth hanging open mid-word. "I thought you said..."

"And that's what he said." We both headed down the walk and I eyed my car with suspicion. My brother wasn't big on concessions and this was one hell of a give with no return take. This was either a really good peace offering or there was something else going on. "I guess he changed his mind," Rey mumbled suspiciously. Well, if he was wary of this, I would be too.

I walked around to the driver's side and looked in. Nothing seemed to be amiss, my pink flamingo still hung from the rearview mirror. There was an envelope with my name tucked under the windshield wiper. The writing was Dom's, easily discernible from my brother's, so I figured it was fine. Maybe this really was a peace offering from my brother. I picked up the note and opened it. A slip of notebook paper was inside, a few short sentences that said, Keep it in the driveway and watch where you park. Keys under the seat.

That's when I finally decided there was nothing bad about this.

My squeal filled the air and I hopped around like a mad person. If Rey didn't think I was crazy before, he would now.

"I'm starting to like my brother owing me."

I opened the door and sat down in the familiar bucket seat. I never thought I would miss my car but over the past few days I started to value the freedom that came from having my own car. Rey crouched down next to me as I fished for the keys under the seat. I could have my independence back and I wouldn't have to ride the bus or ask anyone for a ride. All it took was a little pain, some blood, and a lot of snitching in order to make it happen. Nothing too important.

"He must really want you to forgive him." As I sat up, I rotated my arm, the graze stinging a little from the skin stretching as I reached. "You ok?" He put his hand gently on my thigh for his own reassurance. I tried to ignore the fire beginning to spread out from his fingertips and cleared my throat.

"Yeah. It just stings a little. Still want to come?"

He looked a little torn as to what he wanted to do. "Yeah but I'll follow you."

I gave him a brief smile as he squeezed my leg and then stood up. "You don't have to babysit me."

His eyes ticked down to me, his lips twitching in amusement. "I'm not. I'm just making sure you get where you're supposed to with no trouble. Something that seems to follow you around like a shadow."

"I know where I'm supposed to go. Remembering the way to the community center is not a taxing exercise."

I put the keys into the ignition and Rey frowned. "Do you hear that?"

"What? The only thing I hear is the phantom sound of my car coming to life."

"You didn't hear that click..."

I turned the engine over and smiled as it came to a roaring life before settling down to a low hum. "Ah...beautiful." I petted the steering wheel, relishing the feel of the leather under my fingers.

"Oranges. Get out of the car. Now."

"What?" I frowned up at him. "But I'm going to be late..."

He pulled me out of the car with no preamble and managed to haul me a few feet away before a tick followed by a really loud boom filled the air. The momentum of the blast knocked us both off our feet, the heat of it scorching the skin on the back of my legs. Like the cop he was, Rey rolled on top of me to cover as much as possible. Little bits of what I assumed was my car rained down on us and the sound of the burning husk slamming back down to the pavement made me jump underneath him. Rey instinctively pulled me tighter against him and I buried my face in his throat. Strangely, the smell of his body wash, oranges and cream unsurprisingly, filled my senses and tried to calm the blur that was now my mind.

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