Chapter 1: The Partycrasher

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  "Ariel, we're almost home!" Eric called coming into the nusery.

Ariel turned to her husband and smiled. "Thanks, finally all we have to do is sail in and proclaim that Melody here is the girl who will unite the two worlds I love."

"Come on, bring Melody up to the deck." Eric said kissing Ariel gently.

Ariel smiled picking up the little black haired princess. "Melody, I cant wait for you to meet all my friends."

Ariel came onto the deck and waited as her friends of the sea all surfaced. Only those she invited were to come. Sebastian was the first one to come up. He climbed up onto the railing to address the red head.

"Ariel child you've grown so much!" Sebastian cooed. "Wait till your father see you!"

One by one, Ariels sisters had surfaced. "Ariel, shes beautiful!" Aquata gasped.

"Thanks." Ariel blushed.

A couple of minutes later, King Triton had arrived. He conjured up a pillar of water so he could talk to his daughter face to face. He turned to the infant and said, "My precious Melody, Im giving you this locket to remind you your love for the sea." He opened the locket that showed Atlantica where Ariel had grown up with mermaids swimming all around. It had her name engraved on the front.

Just after the king had placed the necklace around Melodys neck, a skiny black tentacle slithered under Melody sweeping her from Ariels arms.

"Melody!" Ariel cried helplessly.

The tentacle revealed to belong to a skiny black octopus. "Morgana! Surrender the baby or I'll..."

Morgana cut him off reliving how her sister had been defeated. She then hung Melody over the mouth of her minion shark Undertow. "Hand over the trident, or your granddaughter will be sharkchow!"

Triton confessed to give Morgana anything as long as Melody would remain safe. Ariel was looking around the ship thinking hard. On an impulse, she unsheathehed  Erics sword causing one of the masts to hit the slimy octopus off the railing. She fell back onto her purple stingrays.

Melody went flying in the air. Eric swung on some rope and caught her before Undertow could catch her.
Titon had shrunk the huge shark down to nothing.

Morgana had saw that she lost. "This isnt over Triton, its just the beginning!" She began to spin on her stingrays.

"After her!" Triton ordered his guards as they dived.

"You'll never find ne, but I'll find you and your granddaughter!" Morgana cackled then disappeared.

Ariel and Eric were very shaken by what had happened. The got off their boat and came to the waters edge outside their castle to talk with Triton and Flounder.

"Im sorry, we've looked everywhere, shes vanished. We will keep looking." Triton promised.

Melody had crowled to the oceans edge Ariel caught her and picked her up. "Sweetie no." She tuened to her father. "We have to keep Melody away from her. Until Morgana is found, Melody cant go into the sea, and neither will I."

"Ariel, are you sure thats a good idea? If you stop yourself, you will want to come back and Melody will want to follow you." Triton pointed out.

"Hes right Ariel, you cant extend the band to yourself." Eric stated.

Ariel sighed, "then what do we do?"

"Why dont you join us?" Triton suggested.

"I cant abandon my daughter, Daddy." Ariel protested.

"Im not suggesting you do that Ariel. Id like your help whenever you are able to. To let you do that, Id like you to wear this." Triton handed his daughter a seashell necklace. "This will help you turn into a mermaid without my help. Come whenever you can, ok?"

"Thank you Daddy. I will." Ariel and Eric turned away.

"Sebastian you will watch over her." Triton whispered. "I want an annual report on both of them."

"Me?!" Sebastian said dejectedly.

"Yes, you." Triton said then disappeared into the sea.

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