chapter 2 runaway

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Jasper entered his father"s room.

Encere is lying on the bed motionless.

Father.....jasper sat beside encere.
Fallacy started crying.
Who...was it fallacy said
It was y/n....she did it jasper said i cant belive her how could she do this! Fallacy said in dispair
Ill make her pay father.jasper said
Go on my son.fallacy said coldly

As they where having a conversation
You in the other hand heard the conversation. Crying and crying.

It was not was not me whispered.

As you look outside there you see the dark sky. And about to rain too. You looked outside the keyhole no one was there. You were misunderstood confused angry. That who would do such a thing.

You decided not to stay here if one of the maids did this. So be it you decided.....

To run away.......

As you opened the one is got out of your room and all of the maids are in the dining area. Cleaning.

You went into the lobby at the main heared a knob twisting on encere"s room.

"Oh no there here" you quickly opened the door and closed it on time.

Since its raining there"s no umbrella. just ran in to the nearby woods.

Fortunately the masion is near mt ebbot. You heared of a legend that those who climed the mountain never returned....

You did not mind it and continue running...and running..

Cold and wet in the dark you dont want to look back.suddenly your apron got stuck at a tried to pull it and succeded only leaving a small white cloth on the branch.

You just need to find a way to get somewhere dry.

After searching you found a cave.

"Finally a place to sit" you said in relief.

You entered the cave it looked more beautiful from the outside.

What a pretty looked around but you were not aware of your feet you triped in some vines and fell in a deep abyss.! I dont want to die! You started crying..... Everythibg went black

..............HUH?! Im alive? *sigh* thank goodness.

Where am i? You stood up. It seems like you have landed on a patch of golden flowers.

You looked around in the dark room. And you saw a hallway. You walked through the hallway into the next room.

You saw a little flower.

Howdy im flowey! Flowey the flower. Your new in the underground arn"t ya? Hehe well dont worry flowey will teach you how things work down here.
Ready lets go!

Everything flickers and your s/c soul appeared.

See that heart? That is your soul the very source of your being. Your soul starts of weak at first but you will get stronger if you gain lot of lv. What lv you asked? Why..LOVE of coarse want some love dont ya. said.

Well love is shared through little whyou

....friendliness pellets. Go on catch as many as you can.

As the pellets got closer you touched one of them and a sharp pain went through your body.



Flowey surrounded you with those pellets and are closing in on you


you closed your eyes as the pellets came in you felt like your being healed.

Huh? Flowey was stucked by a fire ball.

What a misrable creature torturing such a poor innocent youth do not be afraid my chile i am TORIEL caretaker of the ruins. I go through this place everyday to see if anyone has fallen down your the first human or maid.
That fell down here in a long time. Come! I will guide you through the ruins.

This is just the beggining

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