Bridge Of Spy(der)s

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{*Author Note: So. This is a Chapter. This chapter was not coming to me for a long time. It was no easy task to write. Honestly, I cannot picture the Brooklyn Bridge, Is there a walkway right down the middle of the road? That's what it looks like from the photos. Seriously you Americans are crazy. You don't even know what fairy bread is. On the strain please keep in mind I have never actually been out of Australia so you may have to pick me up on some slang or terminology or geo I mix up.

Thank you to the comments that got me motivated, the ideas that had my mind a brewing and whoever gave me the flu. You sir are a bastard, but you got a chapter out so consider yourself forgiven.

Enjoy this long ass chapter I wrote you! Now go read!

I will be answering any questions asked for the next 48 hours in celebration if anyone is interested. }*

"The night, the day and life, in general, was beautiful,' Peter thought as he strolled down a darkened street in New York before stopping aside the two-story brick house that stood proudly at number 4. He walked through the cute garden fence and up the porch. Before he could even knock on the door it flew open revealing the sights of a heavily pregnant woman with a small girl in her arms and a four-year-old at her feet.

The two children bolted through the door with a cry of, "Daddy!" and jumped into a confused Peter's arms. He was no longer the scrawny teen who had walked up the path. He was a handsome father, dressed in a lab coat he had forgotten to take off at work.

The woman, his wife, smiled warmly as she flicked her brunette curls over her shoulder, "Do you know if your parents can look after the kids this weekend? We can go celebrate another year Spider-man keeping the city crime free".

'Crime free?' Peter thought in surprise. 'He had really done it!'. He laughed merrily and wrapped them all in a hug. "Whatever you want my love... life is simply perfect is it not?" He beamed. It was only then he noticed the stillness of the three bodies in his grasp. He pulled back in a panic only to three pairs of lifeless eyes stared back at him. His screams made the picturesque house vanish in a swirl, leaving Peter and the corpses in the one of the many rubbish filled alleys in New York.

"You really shouldn't have touched them" a raspy voice commented from behind him. Peter whirled around in surprise to a darkly twisted creature before him. He was at least 7 feet tall yet so thin he seemed to only have a single layer of ash skin between his bones and the frigid night air. He wore a pin-striped suit with a bone white cane that shone in the moonlight. Thin wisps of grey hair floated around the gaunt cheekbones that stretched along his face. Perhaps the most terrifying part of all was the two chasms of blood and darkness that replaced his eyes.

"What?" Peter managed to gasp out. The man frowned as he strolled casually towards Peter.

"I said you really shouldn't have touched them," he intoned slowly as he gestured to the corpses behind him. "You can blame it on Parker luck all you like, but surely you have noticed everything you touch dies." The man seemed to pause at the terrified expression on Peter's face. "Well not literally you stupid human. Emotionally. You know... everyone you create a connection with. Everyone you love. That sort of thing"

"No" Peter tried to say without the quiver that threatened to appear. "I don't kill"

"Of course you do. I mean I would know. I have had to deal with the aftermath of your stupidity one too many times"

"Who... who are you?" Peter stuttered as he struggled to free himself from cold terror that seemed to grip him.

The man looked bored as he drawled, "Death. Who else could look this ravishing will standing over a corpse?"

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