I Don't Know Anymore..Fanfics?

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I want warm milk in a bowl stirred with a spoon. I want Pete to shove Patrick's fedora up my ass so I scream his name so loud everyone thinks I am being murdered with Patrick watching. I want a hamster and his name to be Striker. Joshua William Dun who was born on 18th June, 1988 is not real. Frerard isn't real. Ryden is fake. It is actually BRALLON!! Joshler is shit. Peterick is stupid. Frikey is fake asf. TyJo isn't thicc for shit. Nine isn't in the afternoon. Miss Jackson sleeps around. Mama we don't all go to hell. WAKE UP! You need to make...cheeze whiz. *g note is played loudly* TyJo probably did try to kill himself so did everyone else except Jish he isn't real.

Credit goes to a fren on Twitter...I regret nothing for putting this up in this....bai.

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