Together Atlast: Chapter 1

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Kyle's POV

Kenzie is finally home and I can't wait to see her. It's like a part of me was missing when she was away and now it's finally back. I know that might be over exaggerating a little but that just how I felt.

"Turn right, in 2 miles"

I was using the GPS to direct my way to Kenzie's apartment building. When it came into view, I parked the car in front of the light blue colored building. It was literally like the color of the sky on a nice warm summer day. The way the color of the building blended in with the color of the balcony's and doors.

"Ok, you can do this Kyle. Deep breaths"

I literally stood and prep talked myself for about five minutes before finally knocking on the door. It probably doesn't seem like that big of a deal. But when you leave someone you love for that long it's like you don't know if you're going to pick up where you left off or if things will be different.

The door opened and Kenzie came into view. She had grown at least two and a half inches taller and her hair had grew all the way down to her lower back. Unlike before when it was only mid way. I would've known this
if their little 'vacation spot' would've had service.

Talk about changes. Did she like hit puberty while she was gone. I thought that happened when you were like fourteen or fifth teen.


She says with a smile, moving from the middle of the walk way to let me in.

"You can come in if you want"

Stepping into the room, I take a second to observe the surroundings around me before sitting down on the plastic wrapped couch. It was a pretty nice apartment along with the furniture. Still pretty empty since she had just moved in today and things were still wrapped and packed up in saran wrap and cardboard boxes.

"So, how you been doing?"

"Good, I start college tomorrow"

She says to me from the kitchen with a wide smile. I wasn't even sure if it was possible for her to get any cuter, but I guess this proved me wrong.

"That's good"

She nods her head, pouring two cups of pulp-free orange juice in the process. Walking over to the couch, she puts one in my hand and keeps one for herself. I just sit and maneuver the juice around in the glass before finally setting it down on the coffee table beside me.

"I missed you Kenzie"

She turns to me with a teary smile, her eyes glistening with tears threatening to spill out any minute.

"I missed you too"

She brings me into a bear hug as I return it just as much, pulling her close. Afraid if I let go she'll be gone again just like that. The plastic crumpling beneath us.

"Don't ever let me leave that long again EVER"

She says through her sniffles. I just slightly laugh and nod my head, trying my best not to cry. Even though that jig was gonna be up any minute. Gosh, the things she does to me. Don't judge, she's just special.


We spent the next couple hours sitting on the couch cuddled up together. Everything was still packed up so there wasn't really anything else to do. The TV was sitting in one of these boxes along with the games and things like that.

"Shouldn't we start unpacking before it gets to late"


Her response was muffled by my shirt. I lift her up anyways, setting my lovely girlfriend back onto the couch but this time not on me.

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