You Realise Your Feelings for Them

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You realised your feelings for Yusuke when you were in seventh grade.

You had been bullied since second grade for reasons unknown to you and somehow you were able to keep it secret from Yusuke. Not that it was a secret. You just didn't want him to worry about you when he had enough crap happening in his life as it was.

He didn't know anything about the bullying until one day it got to the point where you were being bullied physically as well as verbally, which they had never done before.

Yusuke happened to walk by as they were beating you and it goes without saying that he was pissed. He probably left them in worse condition than they left you by the time you had asked him to stop.

"You alright, (Y/N)?" He'd asked that day.

"I'm fine, Yusuke." You replied.

He asked you a few times that day if you were ok to which you replied you were fine. You honestly didn't expect him to care so much about you and the knowledge that he did indeed care about you encouraged your feelings for him to develop which you soon discovered and accepted with open arms.

Oh, and, needless to say, the bullies backed the hell off from then on.

No one wants to have to face an angry Yusuke Urameshi.


You started liking Kurama during the first days you met him.

He had captured your interest the moment he first spoke to you and that interest only grew as you got to know him more and more.

Sadly, by the time you had realised how you felt for him, he was killed and you were left heartbroken until you found him again in the human world.

Now you only hope you can gain the courage to tell him how you feel before something just as tragic happens.


Like Hiei, you were in denial for a while since you'd never felt this way for anyone before and felt the need for a partner unnecessary.

However, you soon became more accepting of how you felt until you finally did accept them.

Though you are kind of scared that he may not feel the same, you hope that one day you may gain the courage to finally tell him how you feel.


You knew from day one that you had feelings for Kuwabara.

You thought it was really sweet to see someone who looks as tough as he does being so soft with a stray cat. It just goes to show that looks really can be decieving and your feelings for the young man have only grown since that day.

You now hope that you will one day get the chance to tell him how you feel.

A/N: Here's another chapter for my lovely readers. Sorry for shortness but it's better than nothing. Anyways, Enjoy!

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