They Realise They're Feelings For You

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He found out he liked you when he was thirteen and saw another dude flirting with you.

Long story short, he got angrier than he usually would and almost beat the poor guy to death before you stepped in and stopped him. You asked him why he did that but he didn't answer so you just figured he was in a bad mood.

Yusuke use to wonder why he acted like that too, until other guys who flirted with you got the same treatment as the first guy did. He figured after the fifth guy that he was jealous and realised from there that he had feelings for you.

Now he can only hope you feel the same and that one day he'll gain the courage confess his feelings to you.


Kurama started liking you during the first days he met you all those years ago.

He was very interested in what you could do since he first witnessed you using a small amount of your demon abilities to defeat a group of other demons who decided to cause you a bit of trouble. Quite easily at that.

He grew more and more interested in you the more he got to know you and your intriguing personality and eventually realised that he had fallen for you. Sadly, he never got the chance to tell you how he felt before he was killed.

He was secretly afraid that you wouldn't feel the same and that he might damage the close friendship he had formed with you and lose a valuable ally if he said anything, so he kept what he felt for you bottled up inside. Boy, did he regret that decision.

Now, as Shuichi, he managed to find you again and his feelings for you started to surface once more, stronger than ever. He'll be sure to tell you how he feels this time and not let the fear of how you felt about him stop him from doing so.

Whether you felt the same or not, he just wanted you to know how he felt.


He was in denial for a long time, letting his pride and the thought that a need for a woman in his life was 'unnecessary' get the better of him. He also tended to let his annoyance towards your teasing and the nickname 'Short 'n' Dangerous', which you refused to stop calling him, cover up his feelings considering he'd never actually been in love before and didn't really know how to express it, not that he really wanted to.

But all that changed after around a month of knowing you and occasionally fighting alongside you against other demons and he grew to accept how he felt for you. He argued less with you but still grew mildly annoyed whenever you teased him or called him by the nickname you gave him.

Though he secretly fears that you may not feel the same, he plans to one day gain the courage to tell you how he feels.


He found you cute from day one though he didn't start properly crushing on you until about your third meeting whe the two of you spent the day together.

He noticed you made him feel a way no other girl has ever made him feel before and figured from there that he had feelings for you.

Now he only hopes he may one day get the chance to tell you how he feels.

A/N: Sorry for any OOCness or crappiness. Also, sorry for such a short chapter but at least it's something. Anyways, Enjoy!

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