Licht Todoroki X Reader

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Today In the night I went to the theater to watch the guy named Licht Todoroki, he's got very big talent at playing piano, everyone's saying that he plays the piano like an angel and of course i have a crush on him ever since I watched him playing piano amazingly it's just impressive, the sound of him playing it made me feel comfortable.

Rosen: "(Y/n)? what took you so long?"

(Y/n): "sorry mr. Kranz I had something to do" That's Rosen Kranz he's Licht's manager and he's a very great man I've known him about a year, how did i met him? I saved him from getting hit by the truck

Rosen: "is that so? well never mind you need to hurry the show is about to start now"

(Y/n): "ok thanks!" I went running there till i made it and saw the crowd's are also here to watch Licht so I took a seat and started watching him with my own excited feelings

(During the show)

(Y/n): "wow" my ears were totally relaxing by the angelic piano sound that Licht is playing it and how he is so softly with it and he really is like an angel, he made me and my soul feeling free

(After the show)

The crowd has left the theater and i was wondering if I ever get a chance to talk to Licht so i went to Rosen

(Y/n): "Um mr. Kranz?"

Rosen: "Hey (Y/n)! I thought you left the theater after the show"

(Y/n): "I was gonna leave, but I.." I blushed not looking at Rosen

Rosen: "but yooou?"

(Y/n): "I was wondering if I can get a permission from you"

Rosen: "Permission? for what?"

(Y/n): "so I can talk to Licht"

Rosen: "Oh"

(Y/n): "s-so Can I please talk to him? I always wanted to talk to him personally"

Rosen: "I'd love to say yes to you but Licht already left the theater"

(Y/n): "what? When?"

Rosen: "After the show but don't worry (Y/n) when he comes back I'll tell him all about you ok?"

(Y/n): "i guess so thank you anyway"

Rosen: "you are welcome"

I walked out of the theater with my sad face, i So wanted to see him! After a while that, I bumped at someone without seeing

(Y/n): "I'm sorry are you alright?" I looked at who I bumped at and it turns out, it was Licht Todoroki! I can't believe that I bumped at someone like him!

Licht: "Yeah just watch where you are going next time"

(Y/n): "A-are you really Licht Todoroki?"

Licht: "what if I am?"

(Y/n): "Oh my god I'm so very sorry! I didn't see you!" I bowed to him feeling embarrassed

Licht: "It's fine"

(Y/n): "I-I'm (Y/n) (L/n) it's very nice to meet you personally!"

Licht: "you're (Y/n)? yeah I know you" I got surprised

(Y/n): "you do?"

Licht: "yeah you're the one who saved my manager Rosen Kranz from getting hit by the truck accident, he told me that he owes you his life so thanks"

(Y/n): "I-it was nothing a-and you're welcome" I blushed a lot

Licht: "so what were you doing?"

(Y/n): "I was heading to my house"

Licht: "Let me walk you there" i got surprised

(Y/n): "n-no need to i can walk there myself and-" but Licht didn't listen so he already took my hand, I blushed red of how warm Licht's hand is and he started walking with me, I had no choice but to lead him to where my house is


When we came at my house

Licht: "is this your house?"

(Y/n): "yes thank you for walking me here"

Licht: "it was no big deal"

(Y/n): "well then um you can let my hand go now" Licht realized that he was still holding my hand

Licht: "alright" he gently kissed my hand and my face became red like a cherry

(Y/n): "I-i" Licht then kissed me on the cheek

Licht: "Take care and if you want to see me again, just come to the theater"

(Y/n): "o-ok I will bye"

Licht walked off and I touched my cheek of where Licht kissed it, I smiled happy and walked inside my house, this was the greatest day I ever had in my life

(The end)

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