Hugh X Eve Reader

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I was getting back home from doing work and when I got in my house I saw Hugh, my servamp of pride sitting watching TV of vampire movie with the bottle of milk next to him, when i first met him he was so adorable and i thought him a little kid wearing a dracula costume but i was wrong when he told me he's a vampire and i ended up being his eve of pride but oh well i don't have a problem with that, I then put my bag down walking over to him

(Y/n): "I'm home"

Hugh: "Welcome home (Y/n)"

(Y/n): "So did you watch over the place while i was gone to work?"

Hugh: "Yes i did like always" then he drinks bottle of milk a little

(Y/n): "You're watching something?"

Hugh: "Yes a new movie of vampire and it seems very interesting indeed"

(Y/n): "That's because you're a vampire too you know"

Hugh: "Yeah yeah so how's your work?"

(Y/n): "It was going well"

Hugh: "That's good"

(Y/n): "Mind if i accompany you by watching the movie with you?"

Hugh: "No go ahead if that's what you want"

(Y/n): "Thanks" I sat behind him picking him up and puts him on my lap and he blushes a little not replying because his eyes are on the TV

Hugh: "If you got scared from it then it's not my fault"

(Y/n): "Don't worry i won't get scared by a movie like that"

A few minutes later Hugh tried to reach his hand to the bottle of milk next to me but couldn't because his hands are short then he looked up to me

Hugh: "(Y/n) can you get that bottle of milk?"

(Y/n): "Sure" I picked up the bottle of milk before i give it to Hugh i first laid him down more on my arm like a baby while he's still on my lap he blushed at my action

Hugh: "(Y/n) what're you doing?! Just give me the darn milk!"

(Y/n): "Why? don't you want me to feed you instead?" I said it smiling at him and he blushes a lot like a strawberry

Hugh: "Yes- i mean no! Give me the milk already and put me down!"

(Y/n): "No can do" I then started spelling the bottle of milk in his mouth like feeding a baby and he's really adorable, Hugh couldn't resist but to accept it and so he enjoys letting me feed him the bottle of milk.

(After the movie ended)

When the movie ended the bottle of milk was already empty i looked down at Hugh still holding him like a cute child, he maybe little but he's sure smart one

(Y/n): "You look so cute and adorable when you're like that you know that?"

Hugh: "Y-yeah.."

(Y/n): "Hugh?"

Hugh: "What? still wanna treat me like that?"

(Y/n): "Nah i just wanna say i love you my little cutie dracula" I kissed him on the forehead

Hugh: "Oh umm...i-i love you too (Y/n)" he kissed me on the cheek still blushing when i looked at the clock i realized it was bedtime and Hugh yawned ready to go to sleep so i carried him to his bed and put him down in it

(Y/n): "Good night Hugh" i was about to leave but Hugh grabbed my hand making me to turn around to him to see what's wrong

Hugh: "Wait (Y/n) i was wondering if...."

(Y/n): "If?"

Hugh: "If you could stay here with me for a night" I smiled replying to him

(Y/n): "Sure why not?" I lay down next to him in his bed and tells him a fairy tale story to him because he loves my stories before bedtime.

(The end)

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