To the Best Guy I'll never have

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  Hi Jp,

           Remember when we first met? I could have sworn you smiled at me during freshman year. It was not Love at First sight but you sure got me interested about you. That smirk you make to annoy your friends, That Scar on your left eye, That cute little dimple on your cheeks. It was that smile of yours that I will never forget.

            Remember when we started texting? You called me basha because you said it was cute. I got to know more about you. we became friends.. close friends. I was falling in love with you. you carried my bag after classes, You greeted me Goodnight, We constantly fight over something and we'd have a laugh about it after, everyone thought that we were an item.

           Remember when I confessed? My whole system wanted to shut down that time. It was like I was setting a time bomb for myself, My heart was pounding real hard that day. however it was a big fail becase your Buddy came and asked me out on a date.

          Remember when I asked you how you felt about me? I'm sure you do. it was the first time I have ever cried in front of a guy. You said you like my friend. it was one of the most heartbreaking experiences I've ever had. I mean I never saw the two of you talking you're always with me how did that happen?!

           Remember when your friend and I started going out. You started courting My friend too? I went out with him because it hurted so much that I wanted to be there with you but you were with someone else.

         Fate must have been playing a sick joke on us.

        Remember that letter you sent me? I can't forget that  you said "Sorry I hurted you, Sorry I chose her instead of you. By now I'm sure you know the reason behind my choices. But I have to face the consequences. I'm sure you'll get over it. Besides you still have me as a friend"  Friend.. 

          It's crazy how we always end up where we're meant to be. How even the most ironic situations teach us something we never expected. We had a Love at the wrong time, everything was so wrong that it pained us. It was not a Romeo and Juliet kind of love but it sure was a tragedy. There is no exact beginning or end to our story. but maybe we aren't meant to be together, and maybe that's how we'll always be.

           This is for the Hello and Goodbye and everything in between. You are my favorite "what if". The Best guy I never had.. I hope you Remembered "Popoy"

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