This is for letting you go

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It never felt the same. Losing the girl that once motivated me to be the man that I am today. I never thought I'd be tired of the love we used to have.

I know writing you this will not make you stay I'm just hoping I could tell you everything. These are the answers to every questions you ever asked.

I really love you. That's right! in present tense. You once asked "Do you love me?" Never have I loved a girl this much till you came along. You were my star in the darkness of the night. "Then why did you left me?" I don't know. Maybe because I know you deserve someone better as cliche as it sounds I know you needed someone who will love you and will prove it in every possible way.

"Is there someone else?" You asked. Yes, there is. I thought finding someone new, or even someone better could make me realize why I had to end our relationship. And maybe that is the problem she is just "someone else" She's just like the rest. She couldn't give me that nostalgic feeling that kept me up smiling late at night. She's nothing like you.

"Aren't you happy with me?" I was hell I've been the happiest man since I had you. but it hurts seeing you so down because I messed up and I couldn't do anything about it. I've seen you cry, you've failed a lot of times but never have I ever seen you given up. You were strong and you don't need me.

I started looking for pieces of you in other people. She can cook but it never tasted like yours, Her smile is pretty but yours is contagious. She's intelligent you are wise. Truth is some things can't be whole without the same pieces.

Thank you for taking care of me. You were exactly the girl I have been waiting for so long Sadly, I didn't realize you were. It's too late now. You've been stronger.. you've become more independent. you guarded yourself again. I hope when the time comes, you'll see the reason why I had to leave you.

I was scared.

"Why?" you'll ask someday. You were too good for me and I have nothing else to offer. This is for letting you go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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